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5 Stages of Finding an Internship, as told by Michael Scott.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.


It’s that time of year. Desperately searching your LinkedIn and Google searching daily to try to find a summer internship.


You’ve got the resume, you’ve got the cover letters, now it’s time to say a prayer and send them off.


Here are the 5 stages of finding an internship, as told by none other than the iconic Michael Scott.


1. Applying- Trying to market yourself can be an adventure all in itself. If you’re anything like me, it can be difficult to brag about yourself, even on something as simple as a cover letter. My mom laughed hysterically when I wrote I had great time-management skills, but, talking positively about your work ethic and goals is a great way to get noticed.



 2. Waiting to hear back: This is the worst. You’ve applied, updated your website, and now you sit and wait, praying you’ll hear back soon. Don’t be ashamed to  send follow-up emails, or do what I do and refresh your gmail every 50 seconds.


3. Getting rejected: There are so many students applying, that it can get competitive. But keep your head up, and keep applying. What’s meant for you will always find a way. Also, remember that a lot of people didnt necessarily intern in the exact field they work in now. Life has a crazy way of bringing us where we are meant to be. 



4. Actually getting an Interview: Whether on Skype, Over the phone, or In-person, interviews can be stressful, but remember to be yourself, and also remember that if you landed an interview- they clearly saw something in your portfolio that they liked. It’s good to prepare, but dont overprepare. We tend to be our best-selves when we speak right from our heart and talk about real-life experience. 




5. Scoring the internship: Trust me, one way or another, it will happen. Now, before you get nervous about whether or not you are truly qualified, remember that internships are all about getting direct experience in your field of interest, they wouldn’t have hired you if they didn’t believe you could fulfill what was asked of you. Congrats! 



Annie May

Sacred Heart '20

Senior at Sacred Heart University Lover of Coffee, Jazz & Writing
Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

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