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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacramento chapter.

Improving our health can mean a lot of different things. Typically the things we can do are to exercise, eat healthy, practice gratitude, sleep better and to do more of what we love. Besides all of these helpful tips, there are other important and small changes that can have a big impact on our lives!


1. Annual Checkups

Photo by RawPexels from Pixabay


Seeing a doctor increases your life expectancy and helps identify any health issues that may arise each year. Since tuition covers the cost, utilize that available resource at our campus gymnasium and health center The Well. For example, you can see a counselor for your mental health or any personal issues you need to address. You can also see a nutritionist or physician to discuss your diet or any health concerns in general. You can check out the pharmacy for medications if you need any. You can use the gym to work out as a form of improving your health. There are also workshops and cooking demos there to help you learn cooking and other life skills.


2. Listen to Your Emotions More

Photo by Free-Photos from Pixabay


There are moments when we will feel unhappy or depressed; It’s normal and nothing to be afraid of admitting. If you don’t feel well mentally, don’t be afraid to open up and talk about your feelings in a healthy and respectful manner. The longer you hold your problems in, the more stressful life becomes. Confide in a family member or friend to talk to. Make time to hang out with your friends and maybe have a girls day where you can talk about what’s bothering you! Friends are there for you, thick and thin. It may even help to schedule an appointment with a counselor at The Well.


3. Organize Your Life

Photo by Kaboompics from Pixabay


Take some time to organize your life! You won’t regret it. Things tend to become chaotic when there’s so much to do with so little time. This is where you breathe, slow down and redirect yourself to the starting point and figure out your priorities. Manage your schedule better by utilizing calendars or planners to avoid becoming overwhelmed. You can use the calendar that’s attached to our Sacramento State school email or you can download an email/calendar app so you can access it wherever you go! When you’re more organized about the usual life stressors, you’re happier and healthier overall.


4. Take Consistent Breaks

Photo by Geralt from Pixabay


Give yourself more time to relax. You’re a human being after all! You can’t do everything in one day. Make sure you have an outlet to express your feelings and escape the stress of life for a while such as painting, exercising, playing video games, reading, or even screaming your lungs out at a concert. Whatever it is, as long as it’s healthy and it makes you happy. No one is judging you!

Overall, improving your health is important and can be done in a variety of ways. These are just some small changes that can really help decrease your stress levels and strengthen your mind and body, especially if you’re a college student struggling to find time between work, school, and your social life. Even if your busy or don’t want to change your lifestyle drastically, these tips can be done super quick and easy!


Jasmine Duong

Sacramento '22

Hello, I’m Jasmine Duong. I’m a second year at Sacramento State, majoring in pre-nursing with a minor in dance and/or nutrition. My hobbies include reading, doing makeup, exercising, hanging with anyone, shopping, & dancing! If I’m not studying, you can find me all over campus socializing!