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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RW chapter.

Although we can’t get rid of everyday stress that is out of our control, there are some simple ways that we can control the way we react to obstacles throughout the day to allow ourselves more time to reflect and calm down.

Finals are one of the most stressful times of the year for college students, and finding ways to manage our stress and time can be one of the most beneficial ways to get through the difficult week. A lot of times it’s easy to let the negative outweigh the positive, especially under a lot of stress, but taking the time to appreciate the simple things in life could make the positive stand out that much more.

First and most important, make more time for self-care in the free time that you do have. Watching your favorite show, going on a walk, getting a coffee, or anything else that you find peace is so important in leading a more mindful life. Going out into nature instead of sitting around inside all day can produce dramatic impacts on your attitude and productivity. Make yourself appreciate the moment more than just seeing these aspects as an everyday task. 

During finals week it’s so easy to get trapped on your phone taking time to procrastinate before getting work done. Something I suggest is taking time away from your phone. Try eating without being on your phone, or going for a walk without your phone in your hand. It’s easy to sit down for a meal and spend the entire time scrolling through social media. Not only will this allow you to appreciate and acknowledge your surroundings, but will also give your eyes time off from looking at a screen. 

If you’re able to find the time for it in your busy schedule, something that may help you is keeping a journal. Taking some time out of your day to write down some of your thoughts could make you a lot more grateful for what you do have, rather than spending time focusing on what you don’t. Appreciate how much you have done rather than how much you still have left. This could help you clear a lot of negativity out of your life during this time of the year and hopefully increase your happiness even under loads of stress.

Hello! My name is Angela and I'm a sophomore architecture major, minoring in business management and sustainability. When I'm not in school, I love to hike, hang out with friends, and shop.