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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

The first thing that I was looking forward to when I left high school was to meet my forever friend. The thoughts of having a live-in bestie made the transition from high school to college seem a little less daunting. Little did I know my ideas of comfort would turn into a horror story reality. However, it didn’t take me long to realize that many people across my campus share the same reality as I do. I interviewed a few people with nightmare roommates and stuck some of the best stories here.

The Partier


“My suite mates like to party. A lot. So it’s the weekend and everyone is ready to go out and party the night away. This includes two out of my three roommates (yes, I live in a quad and yes, it sucks). I’m assuming this night is gonna be like any other. They are going to go out. Come back at some ungodly hour. Wake me up. And then go to bed and sleep ‘till noon.

This was not one of those nights. Two of them leave and eventually my third roommate does as well. Like usual I go to bed and get some sleep. The next thing I know my door is slammed open. My lights turn on and one of my roommates come into my room followed by another (barely) conscious roommate who is supported by two guys. Turns out that she drank SO much that she couldn’t speak (only moan), couldn’t walk by herself, and kept on throwing up. The guys set her down on her bed and left. My semi-sober roommate got a trash can for my severely intoxicated roommate to puke in. She spent a good amount of time taking care of her until she eventually sobered up.

I thought my roommate was gonna die that night.”

The Door Slammer


“My suite mates play loud music and pregame in their room on the weekends. One in particular has a bad habit of door slamming. I swear she’s slammed our door at least four separate times. She doesn’t even talk to my suite mates or me when she’s angry. No, she just slams the door like the little kid. And every time it’s happened my stuff moves from impact. All I can say is that if she breaks anything she’s paying me back for it. It’s irritating, but she does it when I’m not here. I guess I’ll let her be a child ‘till I catch her.”

The Loud Chewer


“So my roommate and I don’t get along. It’s not the sort of thing that I’d like, but it’s what I have to deal with until the end of the semester. There’s loads of things that my roommate does to annoy me, but the worst thing is her chewing. She doesn’t leave the room when she eats; she basically takes all of her meals to her bedroom. When she’s there, she chews SO LOUDLY.”

Loose Lips


“I was talking to a guy. It didn’t work out. I don’t regret it, but I hate my business getting out there. I never officially told my roommate; she must of heard me talking to my friend or something. So one day, I’m out getting food with my roommate and she sees this guy that she likes. He’s friends with the guy I was talking to and he asked what happened. With no prompting from me what so ever, she tries to spill everything about my ex! I never gave someone a death glare quicker!”


Destiny is currently enrolled in Columbia University's MFA Writing program. She is a national writer at Her Campus and the former editor-in-chief of Her Campus Rowan. She likes thrifting, romance novels, cooking shows, and can often be found binging documentaries.