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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

Immediately following the New Year, my Pinterest feed was littered with daily exercise routines, squat challenges, diet plans, and workouts to “give you the body you want.” Over the winter break, I decided to give one of these workout plan pins a try. The pin that seemed the easiest advertised that by only doing 50 crunches a day for thirty days, my stomach would be more toned and firm.

Day 1: I took a picture of my stomach before starting the challenge. I’ve never really had abs, but I was ready to try! I did my fifty crunches with ease and went about my day.

Day 10: I forgot to do my crunches on Day 9, so I doubled up on Day 10. The crunches are really easy to do, but remembering to do them or “feeling like it” is the hard part. It’s hard to be in the exercising mood when it’s cold out and all I want to do is snuggle up on the couch and watch movies all day…

Day 20: I don’t really see too much of an improvement in the “toning” of my stomach, but I will complete this challenge!!!

Day 30: And the results are in…. I can feel that my stomach is more toned when I apply pressure to it, and overall my stomach looks flatter! It isn’t a huge difference, but enough of a difference to give me confidence and feel healthier.






This challenge proved to be tedious at times, but once I put in the effort, I saw results!


Ashley Hermansen is a dual major in International Studies and Modern Languages & Linguistics. She loves LOVE and dancing and really just wants to help everyone that she can. That's it, read on <3