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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RIT chapter.

Do I work hard or too hard? 

I never know the answer to that question. For me it seems as if it’s an obvious one, but to others, they end up disagreeing. How do I make it known to the world? How do I tell them I enjoy what I do so much, I don’t even realize what it has done for me?


Can work be fun?

When it comes to my current jobs on campus, I don’t look at them as work or a dreaded task. Do I do work for them? Yes. Do I feel a lack of motivation to do it? No. I enjoy what I do. When I get up in the morning, I don’t look at my schedule in hatred when I have a shift at work. I know many of my friends do and I honestly feel bad for them. Your job shouldn’t be an unwanted chore that needs to be done to complete required tasks. It should be something you enjoy doing! When you wake up, you should feel excited to go into work. Now, there are going to be days when you won’t necessarily feel this but to never feel happiness, joy, motivation, or encouragement when working, what is the purpose besides a paycheck at the end of the day?


I understand that sometimes our dream job isn’t going to always be readily available right when we want it. Instead, try and find ways to either get a job that works towards it or make your current job mentally stimulating to help prepare you for your future one. I know that these words of advice coming from someone who really enjoys their job and what they do is hard to listen to, but please try! 


How do I address whether I work hard or too hard? 

Like I said before, I really love my jobs so much that I don’t look at it as work. It has become a part of my life and something I enjoy so much that I don’t always notice that I’ve been putting too much effort in. I don’t think it is very good when both of your bosses come together and want to try and plan a joint day off for you because they feel you’ve been working too much. They say they love everything you do but they want you to have a day for yourself. How does one do that when their mind is constantly on drive? Putting myself in park is hard, especially when I want to keep going and doing the things I love. 


I do what makes me happy and comfortable

I hope one day they can understand. I hope they can see that by accepting me on their teams, they made a huge impact on my life. I hope that I can continue to make my difference in the workplace without causing them to think I’m going past my breaking point. One day this will all come. And when that day does come, I hope I have also made an impact for others to follow in my footsteps.

I'm a creative writer at heart and love to write about my experiences around me! My only flaw about this, is I tend to procrastinate sitting down and writing it out!
Campus Coordinator for Rochester Institute of Technology