Her Campus Logo Her Campus Logo
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RIT chapter.

I believe that

this screen

is a metaphor 

for this existence.

We post photos

of the falsely sculpted

moments of our lives


in the time we spend 

being so dishonest

we miss out 

on time 

not promised.

The fictional books we read 

are they really fantasy?

or are they 

the impenetrable fragments

deep within our mind’s eye

the places where fairytales exist 


the world works restlessly 

to cover it?

Who are we?

Why are we here? 

the questions I ask 


I know

will never be answered 

because that would be

too easy


is it because 

we’re already aware

deep within our soul’s

endless stream of knowing

in which

we may only see

after the time of our going

from this earth

But do we ever leave? 

These questions I ask 

out of pure curiosity

Because my soul yearns 

for me

to discover the truth 

behind it all, 


(beyond the screen).

Campus Coordinator for Rochester Institute of Technology