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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RIT chapter.

Ever felt like you have nowhere to go? Not getting what you want or need? Well, you are not alone. There will be a time where life hits you like a ball until you realize that the ball did not hurt you that much. It all comes down to your own realization. Really, did it hurt that bad?

Time stops for no one

Everything happens for a reason, yet nobody was able to get the full answer. Sometimes you gotta just let things flow. It all comes down to acceptance and the ability to understand that everyone is just doing their own thing. 

Everyone grew up differently, taught differently, and even loved different things. Why bother to change the person for who they really are? Let it be. Time does not stop for a reason, its only purpose is to keep moving forward. No matter how hard a situation may be, continue to keep walking because our purpose is to keep living. 

being selfish

Live life to the fullest they say, but can you truly live to that standard? Honestly, people are selfish. It’s human nature to get what they want first before others. Although, I don’t think being selfish is a bad thing. It comes down to how much you can give and get in return.

If only we were plants…

It would be amazing to think like plants. Really, they continue to support you without reason. It’s just how they were made to be. They do not have the complexity of thinking about what or when things could go wrong. Things can go out of their context sometimes, and that is okay. People would do things without thinking sometimes. They have the ability to do whatever they want, and I think that’s an accomplishment of its own.

Keep moving forward

Be you, do what you want, even without reason. We all have the power to make a difference in our lives no matter what. Just like time, focus on one goal and don’t look back at it. Be like nature, where you sometimes don’t have a full reason for doing things but you do it anyway. It’s what makes life enjoyable.

Jessa is a graphic design student at Rochester Institute of Technology. She originally came from Saipan, Northern Marianas Islands and graduated with an associates degree in Liberal Arts. She enjoys drawing, roller skating, and loves going on adventures to explore and meet new people. Jessa hoped that being part of Her Campus will allow her to explore a variety of different topics to write from and communicate with other college students in her community.