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5 Exercises for Your Best Butt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Summer’s over. Now what? Do you cut back on your gym routine because of the many layers you get to wear? I hope not!

Just because bikini season is over doesn’t mean you have to ignore your posterior until spring. I mean, who doesn’t want to have a nice butt year round?

Imagine how amazing you derrière will look in leggings, jeans and…just about everything! Curious as to how you can get it in good shape? Well here are the exercises you should be doing!

1. Bodyweight Squats: I’m sure you’ve heard of the 30 day squat challenges. They may seem over rated, but they really work! Not only is your butt targeted, but your core and thighs.

  • Proper form: The best way to get a proper form is to pretend you’re sitting down in a chair. Not descriptive enough? Approach this move like you’re about to sit down on the toilet. Keep your knees behind your toes and push that butt out. Don’t forget to sit low and bring it back up!

2. Lunges: Perhaps one of the best exercises for a round and toned posterior. This workout sculpts and defines the hamstrings, quadriceps and most importantly your butt!

  • Proper form: First step one leg forward, then keep your back straight and look straight ahead. Never look down at your feet while lunging as this will cause your back to bend, resulting in bad form. The knee of the leg that is not forward should come close to touching the ground. And preferably the knee should be behind the toes.

3. Bridge: Time to take it to the floor! This move is fun and very effective; it strengthens your hamstrings as well as the booty.

  • Proper form: The bridge is quite simple, but to make it harder hold for 10 seconds at the top, and 10 at the bottom. By pausing you’re getting in a better workout and you’ll feel a great burn in your lower body.

4. Lunge Jumps: Just like lunges—but with a twist! This move will get your heart rate up fast all while toning the lower body.

  • Proper form: Approach this move the same as the lunge. However, instead of switching legs by stepping back, jump and switch the legs.

5. Wall Squat: Get ready for your entire body to burn (in a good way) as you sculpt your lower body.

  • Proper form: Stand against a wall and then step away from it. This should give you a little bit of distance from the wall. Lean against the wall and then slide down until your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle. Make sure to keep your back straight and abs contracted! Hold this move for about 2 minutes and then take a break.


Try to do these exercises until failure; that is, push yourself to the limit!

And don’t forget: you can work your butt off, but don’t neglect your stomach by putting junk in it!

Stay fit, Collegiettes!

Print Journalism major with a passion for fitness, health, life, and the simple things. If you want to read more of work, check out my blog: http://naturallymel.wordpress.com/