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Top 5 Tips to Be Productive Working from Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Like most students, you have probably moved back home and are struggling to find ways to better manage your time to finish up this semester.  Even the simplest tasks can seem daunting. Although there is nothing going on outside the house, if you’re like me, the inside is full of chaos. From chatting to bickering, with my brothers and I back home there is no shortage of distractions. But, relax! There is hope. Whether this is your first or your final year of university, here are a 5 tips to knock out your assignments amid all this noise:

Create Your Own Workspace

Set up a workspace for yourself where you can keep your materials out and have privacy. Ideally a room with good lighting and a door works well.

Make a Schedule

Create a schedule with flexible time slots so you can collaborate electronically with peers on group assignments, and for your own work.


Make time for exercise. Even without a gym there’s no reason to be sedentary! It is important to maintain our exercise for our health.

Get Some Fresh Air

Go outside daily – at a safe distance, of course. Fresh air generates fresh ideas and can help you relax. 

Maintain Your Health

Eat healthy and get enough sleep. YouTube and Netflix will still be there in the morning.


It may feel like you’re losing your grip on life – everything has been flipped upside down and nothing is for certain. But, you’ll always have the power to be productive and make the most of these uncertain times. I wish you and your family well and all the best on grinding out those final assignments!

Jaelen List

Queen's U '21

Third-year Commerce major at Queen's University
HC Queen's U contributor