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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

I remember very clearly the summer before my first year of university. I distinctly remember thinking how fast the next four years were going to fly by and how I was going to be in for quite the ride. I’d like to share with you a few of the valuable lessons I’ve learned during my time at Queen’s. Hopefully they save you from mistakes and help you make the most of the time you have left!

1. Take risks

In case you haven’t heard this one about one hundred times already, I’ll say it again. Take risks. There is nothing worse than dwelling in the past and thinking; “I wish I would have done xyz” or anything to that effect. Though you may not have the money, you have (for the most part) the time and energy to try new things.

But I’m drowning with school work!

Aren’t we all? You still find time to squeeze in that show on Netflix and go out, don’t you? What’s stopping you from doing something a little different? Step out of your comfort zone. Live a little.

2. Learn when to say no

Okay, this might seem a little counterintuitive, but as much as trying new things and putting yourself out there can build your character, learn to prioritize. If you have other commitments, learn to say no. Reschedule if it’s an option. I get it, some things are a one-time offer. This doesn’t mean that something better won’t come along! There is no shortage of opportunities to take advantage of at this time in your life. Don’t stretch yourself thin.

3. Go on exchange!!

If you have the means to do so, go on exchange! I was incredibly lucky to spend a semester abroad at Korea University (10/10 school, by the way) in South Korea last fall and I would not trade that experience for anything. I met some of my very best friends during my time in Seoul and was able to see parts of the world I would not have had the chance to otherwise.

4. Learn to cut people out

Seriously, I cannot emphasize this enough. If someone is toxic to your life, get rid of them! You are your own person – don’t spend more time than you need to on someone that is detrimental to your mental health and well-being. Sometimes you have to put yourself first, and that’s okay! There are 7 billion other people on this planet for you to meet and befriend. Heck, reach out to me if you want a friend!

5. Time flies

Invest in yourself and the experiences you’ll have. I knew from the start that my time at Queen’s would feel short, and I can certainly confirm that it has zipped by. Write things down, take lots of pictures, and remember how lucky you are to have lived through all these things!

My time at Queen’s has been memorable, and I’m sure yours will be too. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. It only comes once.

Photo courtesy of Pexels

Multilingual Canadian trying to find her place in the world ~
HC Queen's U contributor