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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

I’m sure everyone knows at least one person, maybe even you, that has downloaded some kind of dating app on their phone. I, personally, have never used dating apps before in my life. I was lucky enough to meet someone through high school, who I have been with for almost three and a half years now. However, I have friends who turn to these apps for dates and only end up hooking up with them or just going on one date. Dating apps never seem to get people to stay together. have seen many of my friends sadden over someone who was just looking for a hookup, but they wanted more, and also have seen many others hate on themselves for the photos other people use for their accounts. Dating apps can create harmful mental thoughts for young adults and its time we all rid the dating app off our phones once and for all. Here are my reasons for why you should remove these apps.

They create harmful thoughts about us

When it comes to comparing ourselves to others, leave social media to be the “queen b” at just that. People see someone who may appear thin and have a better figure, and then begin doing harmful things to their bodies just to achieve the body they saw. These harmful things can be starvation, too much exercise, or even bulimia. From what I understand, people choose you on dating apps… leading people to want to choose the best photos of themselves. If people want a desired shape, then they will go to great leaps to achieve just that and could lead to massive destruction to their bodies.


I have known countless people who have been catfished by someone through a dating app. They fake a persona to come off as likable and then when they meet them for the first time… it turns into anger and disappointment. People will find photos off google or even photoshop their bodies so much they don’t even look like themselves anymore. Catfishing is awful because it’s lying to a complete stranger and can make you come off as a bad person and self-conscious. In this day and age, it’s hard to tell who someone is through a screen because for all you know it could be a totally different person you are talking to than what you are seeing.

Hookup Culture

If you’re only using dating apps to find “the one”, then I am sorry to be the one to break it to you but… it’s going to be very hard and very rare. Most people, if not all, I know are using dating apps only to seek out hookups (which there is nothing wrong with that). You are going to be very disappointed to find out that Chad off of your dating app you just went out with is not interested in a commitment with you but only a night in bed with you.

            Dating apps are not for everyone and that’s ok! For me, personally, I would never use a dating app. If you are looking for a nice person who you want to spend a long time with then do it the old-fashioned way: go out somewhere with friends and start talking to people. You’d be very surprised by how many people want to get to know someone face-to-face rather than over a silly app.

Ava Smith

Purdue '23

Hello! My name is Ava Smith. I am a junior studying Advertising and Film Studies. I am from a suburb of Chicago called St. Charles and enjoy all the wonderful parks it has to offer. My hobbies consist of writing, filmmaking, and spontaneous adventures with friends. Currently, I am the Multimedia Manager for Boiler Communication and Social Media Moguel at the Hub on State Street. This is my second year being involved in Her Campus and I am so excited about all the new memories and opportunities I will make this year and for years to come!