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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Since finals are quickly approaching, you are probably feeling the pressure on your shoulders. Whether you’ve had a bunch of mental breakdowns already or not, finals season is probably the most stressful time when you’re a student. Even though you may feel that you don’t have time for anything besides studying, there is plenty of time for you to relax and destress. It doesn’t have to be an entire day at the spa but taking even a half an hour to yourself is better than nothing. Here are some of my favorite ways to destress and maybe they will work for you too.

Before you begin any of these activities there is one thing you must do…turn off your phone. I know, it sounds awful. But not having the noise and distraction of technology will help you decompress more. Remember: never take a study break by scrolling through your phone. It will not rest your brain like you think it will. It would be more beneficial for you to take a quick nap.

First, take a bath. Candles, relaxing music and lots of bubbles can help relax your muscles. You may not realize it, but you hold a lot of tension in your neck and jaw when you study. This tension can travel to your shoulders and back. A warm bath can help relax these muscles and it will be easier for you to stretch them out later.

Second eat or drink something warm. Now that you’ve taken a bath you want to keep that warm feeling around. Try some green or peppermint tea or even hot lemon water(just try it?). Drinking something warm is proven to help you relax and refocus. If fancy teas are not your favorite, try hot soup. Comfort foods are always a good place to start; chicken noodle soup, tomato soup or even mac and cheese.

Next, make time for fun and do something you love. Everyone has a passion. Whether it’s reading, cooking, working out, coloring or anything else, doing these activities makes you happy. Take a little time doing one of these things and your mind will clear. My personal favorite is to go into my room and sing. I play some songs from my favorite musicals and I sing my heart out. It helps relieve my anxiety and gather my thoughts. Another one of my favorites is to dance. Depending on the mood I’m in and how anxious I am, I will play songs that require a little/a lot of movement in order to expel some of that negative or excess energy. Just think of what makes you happy and what you enjoy. Then do it.

Now if you feel like you really don’t have time for any of those, my last activity is meditation/deep breathing. Go somewhere quiet and turn your phone off. Close your eyes and sit straight with your legs crossed. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. For deep breathing, take 5 seconds in and 5 out. Breathe like that eight times. For meditation, picture something calm, like an ocean or the sky. Then focus on your breath and you will feel like you are being taken to that place of tranquility. It may seem funny to you at first but trust me, it’s worth it.

One more thing; remember that everything will be okay. No matter what happens during finals, grades do not define who you are. Do not waste your time comparing yourself to others. As it’s stated in one of my favorite Disney movies Beauty and the Beast, “It will turn out all right in the end, you’ll see.”

Good luck!

Leslie is a current senior at Purdue University looking to major in industrial management engineering. She discovered Her Campus through her sisters, who had been apart of it when they were in college. She enjoys dancing, singing, cooking and traveling.
All the way from Phoenix, Arizona, Janice attends Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, where she is currently a bioengineering major. Spending her time daydreaming Janice can be found jamming out to any song, watching netflix, or studying for the terrifying tests she has around the corner. You can follow her adventures @janichan on instagram.