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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

I can’t believe midterms are here! It feels like yesterday that I started college. With a couple more weeks in the semester, here are some tips and tricks to help you ace your exams! 

Organize your environment

If you have a Type A personality like me, studying in a cluttered environment drives you crazy! I can’t efficiently study with papers and pens all over my desk. Take an extra ten minutes to organize your study materials so all you focus on is your studying.

Study with old exams

Save your old tests and quizzes to review for your exams. Often, professors will re-use the questions or adapt them into another problem. It also shows you what information your professor wants you to know.

Take regular breaks

You are going to remember nothing if you’re tired or hungry. To effectively study and memorize your information, breaks are essential. Every hour take ten to fifteen minutes to decompress or take a quick nap.

Use acronyms and name associations

From someone who is minoring in German, using acronyms or random name associations will help you remember certain vocab terms. Be creative!

Study in different locations

Switching up locations and changing the scenery, can boost your studying skills. Don’t just sit in front of wall. Study in a quiet café or outside on a sunny day.

Limit your distractions

Put your phone down in another room and shut your door from distractions. Basically, don’t study with The Office playing in the background as I have done on many occasions.

I hope you will try these studying hacks! No matter what, your grades don’t define you. Good luck!  

Jordan is a junior at Purdue and majoring in History with two minors in Classical Studies and Forensic Science. Originally from Indiana, she loves drinking chai lattes, playing tennis, binge-watching Netflix, and spending time with her golden-retriever dog, Beau.