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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Whether it be blackheads, zits, or scars left over, we can all agree that acne sucks. Even speaking about my own acne is hard because it’s always tough to talk about your own insecurities. Recently though, an acne positivity movement has been spreading across social media. More and more people are beginning to accept their imperfections. Here’s some advice on how to do just that.


1. Don’t Give Yourself Unrealistic Expectations

In the age of Instagram, perfect faces, it’s easy to compare yourself to the numerous models on your feed. It’s important to note that most of the people used as the basis for comparison, use Photoshop, Vsco, and Face Tune just to get flawless skin to post on social media. So next time you see a photo of pore-less skin, don’t be fooled.

2. Realize You Are Not Alone

Everyone goes through puberty, so pretty much everyone has experience with acne. Often, I feel like I’m the only one who suffers from acne or is insecure. More likely than not, you know people who feel the same way. Reaching out and talking about it with others makes you feel less alone about your insecurity.

3. You Are Beautiful with Your Acne, Not Despite It.

Looking into the mirror can be hard with acne. Sometimes I would avoid looking at myself, just so I wouldn’t see a zit. It wasn’t easy but eventually, I conditioned myself to embrace my acne.  I would tell myself every day that I had acne and that I was beautiful. It may seem stupid but trust me, the more you repeat it, the more you’ll believe it.

4. Remember That It’s Ok to Be Insecure

In a society that demands perfection at all times, it’s okay not be sure of yourself all the time. It’s normal not to be confident about areas that are always being advertised as something that should be fixed. At the end of the day, never forget that your feelings are valid no matter how big or how small.

Alena Finnell is a freshman at Purdue University studying Marketing. Cats, horror movies, and Chinese food are just a few of her favorite things.
All the way from Phoenix, Arizona, Janice attends Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, where she is currently a bioengineering major. Spending her time daydreaming Janice can be found jamming out to any song, watching netflix, or studying for the terrifying tests she has around the corner. You can follow her adventures @janichan on instagram.