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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

A challenge that a lot of people face in their lifetime is having the courage to force exercise into their daily routine. I have never been able to be comfortable in my own skin and a big part of this reason was based on my body and the stigma around different body types that have been created in the media today.


I believe everybody is beautiful no matter what you may look like. No one should be forced to look the exact same. What I feel is the most important is to feel like you are your most healthy and confident self you can be. For a long time I did not feel this way. I started to put myself first and make healthy decisions for both my mental and physical health. 


This journey has not been easy and I know I still have a long road ahead of me. I want to show people that there are ways to implement exercise into your everyday routine,  some ways you may not even think of.  I learned that it takes fifteen days to implement a habit into your everyday routine. This time period is the trial period for yourself to test out what works best for you and to make sure it is something that you are able to stay consistent with. 


Here are 5 tips on how to start implementing exercise into your routine after never having done this before:


1) Create a system that will help hold yourself accountable 

This can include creating a bullet journal, marking your calendar for the scheduled time you have available to work out, and even by creating a fitness page. I started my own fitness account as a way to show my growth, hold me accountable and by meeting new people that had the same goals and tips that I wanted to follow. 

Screenshot for article
Original photo by Ashley Quinones


2) Pair working out with something you enjoy

Working out can be made out to be something that most people dread instead of something that one should look forward to everyday. I have made working out something I enjoy instead of something I am forcing myself to do. To make working out something I enjoy I listen to fun playlists, podcasts, and working out with my friends. 

Photo by Burst from Pexels


3) Start small and build your momentum 

By starting small and slowly adding a workout into your routine you are able to grow your habit over time. This means by starting off with a 15 minute workout and slowly adding on time everyday till you feel comfortable doing a full hour or 2 hour long workout. You can also start by taking long walks with friends through your neighborhood or campus. 


4) Reward yourself 

This does not mean a cheat meal after every workout or working out once and calling it over. What this means is you should reward yourself with rest days, your favorite healthy snack or breakfast food, and make healthy choices for yourself in a fun way instead of a dreadful way.


5) Make goals and visualize what you want your future routine to look like 

This is important to do from the start of your health journey. You must make sure that your goals are clear and you want to make a routine that you are able to grow with yourself over time.

Her Campus Media

I am a Junior at Penn State studying Public Relations with a minor in Digital Media Trends and Analytics. I love fashion, food, and anything beauty-related which can be found a common trend throughout my articles.
Arden Ericson will graduate Penn State in May of 2023. As one of the Campus Correspondents for Her Campus at PSU, she is a double-major in Public Relations and French Language. After graduation, she will pursue a career that combines her passion for educational equity, social justice and French.