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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

For many people, the new year is a good signal to drop a bad habit or pick up a good one. My friends and I decided to follow the trend and create a new habit for all of us to follow. We call it “Self-Care Sunday.”

The idea of “Self-Care Sunday” or SCS came to us after a trip to the library during a heavy testing week. We had been there since noon and left at closing time, stressed and frustrated with all of the exams and presentations we would have to complete in the coming days.

We collectively agreed that the next day which was Sunday, we would all take the time to decompress and focus on ourselves. Wearing face masks, nail painting, watching trashy movies and eating pizza were the only things to be on the agenda. The next day we all left our backpacks at home and had one of the best bonding moments we have ever had.

On Monday, everyone agreed that a day of rest and friendship was just what they needed. I had a presentation that day and I personally believe I did better because I didn’t spend the previous day stressing and worrying over whether I would do a good job or not.

From that day on, we decided we would need to implement this into our weekly schedules and allow ourselves to focus on nothing but rejuvenating ourselves for the week ahead and leaving the previous week in the past.

SCS is only a few months old, but I can already tell it is an instant success. We have all decided that by 5 p.m. on Sunday, we are done working for the day and meet up in one assigned person’s apartment. We vote on what movie to watch as well as what snacks and food to get and go from there.

One requirement is everyone has to say at least one thing that they are looking forward to in the coming week before we can start. This is so we go into the night with positive affirmations in our minds and as a way to give ourselves a much needed confidence boost.

I have found SCS to be extremely therapeutic as I know the space we have created is a safe one where everyone feels love and trusted by one another. SCS has become so popular that even our guy friends have joined in on occassion.

In 2023, we have made SCS more structured to the point that each girl keeps an SCS basket in their apartment so that any last minute items needed are always on hand.

I have found that purposely scheduling time to see my friends has been so rewarding. It takes away the uncertainty of how we can work around everyone’s schedule because I know that even if we don’t cross paths during the week, there’s always Sunday.

I would recommend that everyone tries their own version of SCS with their friend group, you might even create a long-lasting tradition of your own.

Madison Mendez is a third-year student at Penn State majoring in Professional Photography. She is from Orlando, Florida and is obsessed with Billie Eilish, the beach, and baking.