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How To Begin Manifesting Through Writing

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Manifestation is when one focuses their thoughts on their future goals. We can have built-up ambitions and goals but fail to focus on achieving those dreams. It is easy to get caught up in what we want and all the negative thoughts associated with it. To achieve whatever it is you want in life, manifestation can be a great way to empower yourself and pursue your goals. While manifestation does not require you to necessarily change your actions, it definitely helps!

Start out specifying your goals

We can get caught up in being too scared to admit our goals. sometimes it’s easier to lower our expectations to save ourselves from embarrassment or sadness. However, you will get shot down far more times than you succeed. Being confident in your wants is a great start. There is no shame in having a dream and saying you want it. That is something that belongs to you and no matter where you start that dream can stay with you.

Stay Consistent

The laws of attraction are not meant to react overnight. You must have patience and be willing to wait. Manifest and picture your intentions. Having a manifestation journal is a great start to keep you on track. Scribbling in your thoughts every day can keep you in line. Set up expectations for yourself whether it’s once a week or everyday. There are many methods to journaling and doing what’s best for you is important. I can tell you exactly what to do but then this journey may not reflect your own. Take that control back and set those expectations up for yourself. Stay on top of that deadline and focus on that journal as your outlet.

Take a look at the direction you’re heading

There are proactive steps you can take into aiding your manifestation dreams. Our thoughts are sometimes uncontrollable, but for the most part, we can direct them. Practice makes perfect and taking the time to see where your thoughts were going and how they could change is important. Maybe you picked up that you were thinking with a lot of self-doubt and insecurity before. There was too much hesitation and negativity. Acknowledge the past and how you were thinking and vow to do things differently. Denial is not good for anyone and for you to start your manifestation journey, it is vital to reflect on the past

Assess Improvements

Tracking your progress is important to keep you level-headed. People are often impatient and wish for an immediate response. To help with these issues, it can be valuable to state your successes. Especially big dreams are no simple task, and most of the time, it is a climb with many short-term goals being fulfilled. To give credit to the process, take some time to point out those miny successes. Think about how new changes in your life can change your story to future success.

Make your thoughts physical

This may not start with your biggest dreams, but giving something thought that can easily turn into reality gives you a jump start on your journey. To fully embody an experience, you must give it a chance. Being dismissive sets you up for failure. What we dream about we can achieve. As silly as the phrase, “anything is possible if you just believe,” we can create our reality.

Having a vision is a start. Then, taking that vision and creating your own reality is another. Remember this can be achieved despite your negative thoughts. Manifestation is not simple nor is it always intentional. We can manifest without even realizing it. Grab a journal and give it a try. Simply trying is your first step to learning all about manifestation.

I am a 3rd-year undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in economics at Penn State. I am very excited to be a part of Her Campus!