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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Behrend chapter.

So you’re back from winter break and you’re not really sure how to feel. Here are some pros and cons of going back to college during the Spring.



Seeing all your friends

  • After what seems like a full-on century, you’re back hanging out and eating lunch with all your friends. You compare class schedules and hang out in free time accordingly.


Still on Winter Break mode

  • For some, winter break is a time where you’re productive and for others, it’s a time where you hibernate until 1pm.


New schedule

  • This goes for every semester, but you get to pick and choose what classes you take. Props for you if you don’t have to take an 8am!


Buying new books

  • The unfortunate circle of college is buying expensive books only to sell or return them so you can have money to buy more.


New Year, New You

Spring semester and the new year is a great time to try new habits. Even if you already have awesome habits, start new ones! It’s never too late to organize homework, projects, relationships, and most importantly: SELF CARE.


Back to dorm life

The craziness of dorms still baffles me. They’re smelly, crowded and a little nasty, but they’re your home for now.


One semester closer to graduation!


Although there are pros and cons of going back to school after a break, you (hopefully) got some time to rest and reboot. Make the best of what you can while you’re here!


Image Source(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


Elisa DeHoyos

PS Behrend '19

My name is Eilsa DeHoyos.  I'm 21 years old and I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. I'm double majoring in International Business and Marketing. I enjoy my pet ferret Nala, eating ice cream and hanging out with friends. I like to write about a variety of topics. ❤️
Sorya Nasir

PS Behrend

Native of Santa Clara, CA Senior at Penn State Behrend Management Information Systems Major HerCampus PS Behrend, President Alpha Sigma Alpha