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The 13 Stages of Registration told by Our Favorite 90’s Characters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.

With registration rapidly approaching Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors alike are scrambling to get their prospective schedules for next semester in order. Get ready for one of the most stresfull parts of college life with a little lighthearted reminder of the 13 stages of registration as told by some of our favorite 90’s characters. 

Meeting with your advisor to get your alt pin, and then asking for advice on what courses to take, and they pretty much expect you to have that figured out on your own so it isn’t all that helpful.

When your advisors and professors tell you about how when they had to register for classes they had to wait in line for an administrator to register them

Making a schedule with your top choice classes, and making a backup schedule for that one, and then a backup for the backup.

Logging on to cyberfriar the night before registration only to see that all the seats have been filled by upperclassmen and now even your backup, backup schedule can’t save you.

Not being able to sleep the night before registration because you’re actually concerned that you might oversleep and miss registration.

Meeting with your friends at the crack of dawn so that you can all go through this together.

Counting down the seconds before you can log on to register.

Debating whether you should take a deep breath and then hit log in or just hit it as soon as it’s time.

Panicking because you got the spinning wheel of death.

Or panicking because the page just won’t load, and then you hit refresh and it all freezes and you have no idea what to do besides scream internally.

Until the page finally loads and you type in the CRN numbers of the classes you chose.

And then you see that one class was already full so you’re faced with the dilemma of emailing the professor or department to over enroll, or to go on and try to find a decent replacement course.

Finally, your schedule has been fully selected and you go back to bed, because it’s still isn’t even 8am and that was probably the most stressful 15 min of your entire semester.