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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Spring is here! And so are the flowers, the birds, the cleaning…

But wait! Cleaning and organizing can help you be more productive!

Photo source: Adobe Spark


Here are three things to keep in mind when you do your spring cleaning this year.

1. Turn up your music!

Everything is more fun when you can jam out to your favorite songs!

2. Use containers, jars and boxes

Using cute containers, jars or boxes, to organize your pencils, pens, sticky notes, and other knick knacks, can help you keep tidy. Something I like to use washi tape with cute patterns to decorate your containers.

3. Reuse, reduce and recycle!

Reuse — If you have old jars, cardboard boxes, or any other type of container you can reuse it to store things, like in the suggestion above.

Reduce — As you clean, also pay attention to all the trash you have and make a list of things such as plastic, which you can reduce your consumption of.

Recycle — If you have old papers which you don’t need anymore, cardboard boxes you can’t use again, plastic bottles, or cans make sure you recycle! We have one earth and we should take care of it!


I hope you all have an amazing Spring Break and good luck with spring cleaning!


College student who loves to write, enjoys spicy snacks and likes making new friends!