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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

As we venture into the new semester, stress levels may be on the rise. Here’s a little rhyme to help through all the stressful times!

Another year and another semester ahead

Already so much going on in my head

Why is there already so much stress?

How do I stress less?


Just breathe, that’s all you need to do

Step back and take time to renew

Whatever it is, it can wait

Nothing takes priority over your mental state


Don’t worry about tomorrow

It’s best to just take it slow

All that matters is today

Don’t let your troubles weigh


Turn to the ones you love and trust

As they help you clear the dust

They will enthrall you in comfort and more

Make everything less of a chore


It will get better, this is true

The good times always come through

Now go on in peace

And may your stress release