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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

1. Remember all the hard work you put into your classes this semester and finish strong!  I know that is can be hard to stay focused during the last week, but it will be so worth it when you get the grade you deserve. 



2. Be prepared for the roller coaster of emotions that accompanies dead week and finals week, and just let them happen.  The days ahead are filled with long nights and early mornings, and your emotions are bound to be all over the place. 



3. Please remember to eat!  I know that you can get caught up in studying and completely forget to eat, but it’s so important!  Even just bringing snacks to the library can be a huge help. 



4. Try to ignore the trick questions on exams, and remember to just show what you know.  You’ve been studying hard all semester, it’s time to shine! 



5. And just remember the guaranteed, amazing feeling after your last final.  You did it!  Congrats!  One more semester down.