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To All the Younger Siblings

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Dear younger siblings,

Thank you for being our biggest fans.  No one in the world makes us feel more successful than you do, and somehow you do it while simultaneously being our most honest, and quite frankly at times, harshest critics.  We appreciate you more than you could ever know.  The times that we messed up, wore outfits in middle school that were total crimes against fashion, or missed out on what we now regret– are why we push you.  We push you to not make the same mistakes we did, and to make sure you succeed where we failed.  You will do great things.  And you’ll have us to guide you along the way, even though we know you’re very capable of getting there yourselves, we just want the absolute best for you.

We’ve been through it already, whatever it is, and we understand what you’re experiencing.  Although, circumstances may be different: we share the same genes so we know just how awful those teen years were.  We grew up with the same parents and we totally get the parental frustrations you’re feeling.  Maybe we grew up inseparable; doing everything together.  Or maybe we were constantly fighting.  Regardless, you’re our little siblings, and always will be exactly that.  We know, and we hope you know that too.

No matter how many candles accumulate on your birthday cake, no matter how many degrees you earn in your lifetime, you’ll always be our little brothers and sisters.  And we’ll always be there to back you up.  If you grow taller than us, grow stronger than us– just know that we will always believe we are the only qualified people to be your bodyguards.  No one gets to critizice like we do.

To you all, all younger brothers and sisters, we love you so much.  As we grow, drift apart, follow separate paths, and eventually settle away from one another, you’ll still remain in our hearts as we will in yours.

Don’t be a stranger, dears.


Your older siblings