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3 Ways to Kickstart your Spring Cleaning

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

We’ve had two consecutive days of sunshine here in Portland, which can only mean one thing…SPRING IS UPON US. We’ve been cooped up indoors since October, essentially. But now the temperatures are warming up, and the rain is subsiding a bit, so it’s time to get into spring cleaning mode! Spring cleaning is one of my favorite things…ever. It can sometimes seem intimidating though. Here are a few tips I find helpful when at first, it just looks like a really big job. 

1. Open those blinds and get to dusting! This is what I usually start with. You’d be surprised at how much dust collects in all the corners of your room during the winter months. Do this step during the daytime because opening your blinds and letting natural light will illuminate a lot of dust you wouldn’t normally see. Bonus tip: if it isn’t too cold, open those windows and get some fresh air in your room too!​​​


2. Rotate your wardrobe according to the season! I don’t necessarily have a set “winter wardrobe” or “spring wardrobe,” but I do organize my closet by season where I have all my long sleeve shirts, sweaters, coats, etc. in the front of my closet, so it’s the first thing I see when it’s cold, and then short sleeve shirts, dresses, etc. farther in the back. This is a great time to switch those around! And while you do this, set aside the clothes you haven’t worn in forever or you know don’t fit anymore. Clean out that closet by donating the clothes you don’t use anymore because someone could definitely use them. If you haven’t worn it in the last year, you don’t need it.​


3. Wash ALL of your bedding. I’m hoping that you already wash your sheets and pillow cases on a regular basis, but did you know that you should wash your heavier duty bedding 2-3 times per year? This includes your comforter, pillows, mattress topper, etc. Make sure to read the manufacturer instructions for how to clean them, but they should be good to go in the washing machine like normal!

These are three simple ways to freshen up your room now that spring is here. Don’t let this list stop you though…clean everything!

Student at the University of Portland #GoPilots CA born and raised, OR transplant Lover of coffee, music, sarcasm and dogs