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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.

As we enter into the final stretch of this semester, we’re tired, we’re stretched in, and the last thing we need is to get sick. Who wants to be sick during Christmas holiday? Here are some things you’ll need to battle your cold the minute you get that tickle and defeat it before it gets bad.


Tea (Peppermint and Eucalyptus)

If you’re lucky to find an actual tea blend made specifically for battling colds, congrats. If not, look for teas with peppermint and eucalyptus. The peppermint will help tackle your cold while the eucalyptus will help soothe any irritation.

David’s Tea Cold 911 Mini Cold Emergency Kit

Throat Spray

For me, the first sign I’m getting sick is when I start to have a sore throat. A sore throat spray will help nip the butt of your irritating throat, and let you get back to finishing the semester strong.

CVS Health Fast Relief Sore Throat Spray



Zicam is my lord and savior, I swear. When you’ve done all you can, but still fall to the dreaded cold, Zicam is there to bring it to an end quickly. It helps relieve you of your cold symptoms during the day while also helping shorten the length of your cold. This little guy is my life line when I’m sick. 

Zicam Cold Remedy RapidMelts

PM Vitamin C

The best way to get over a cold is to have never one to begin with, so take your vitamin C. Unfortunately, though, the common cold gets the best of us sometimes, and when that happens you want to be fighting it all the time, even when your sleeping. So, take a sleep aid with a vitamin C booster killing to birds with one stone.

Emergen-C Emergen-zzzz Nighttime Sleep Aid 



I know you might want to hang out with your roommates and friends, but when you’re sick you want to get your homework done and then go to bed. Your body is working hard to fight of your cold, so give it some support and get some rest. It’ll thank you.

Melissa Locke

Pepperdine '21

This is my senior year of college and I'm a Public Relations major with a Creative Writing outside concentration. I was born and raised in So-Cal and love it so much I couldn't go too far. As much as South California is my home, I adore traveling and learning about other cultures. A Disney fan to the core you can find me watching any of their movies, or breaking my bank account at Disneyland, and if not I'll probably be reading, writing, or enjoying the Malibu climate.