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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxford Emory chapter.

Take me back to the salt 

ocean waves 

of Santa Monica.

To the arms 

of an airplane

and the words

from my father. 


Hold my hand

when I grow afraid

of the world laid out in front of


and take me home

after a long, twisted day. 


Keep me in your arms,

when others seem to doubt me

When first place isn’t


I hold in their hearts.


Tell me that you

love who I have become

though I have

not been forgiven

by many I have hurt.


I miss her,

for she was whole and 


Filled to the brim and topped

with innocence—


I’m all burnt at the edges. 

Abi Nosrati

Oxford Emory '21

Hey I'm Abi, a Biology major minoring in English. In my free time I love to write and take photos, especially portraits.
Edward Yin

Oxford Emory '21

I'm a Biology major with a prospective minor in Sociology. I like to sing, draw, and read in my spare time. If you have a passion for animals and a sweet tooth for Ariana Grande, I would love to have a chat with you over some Starbucks! Thank u, next.