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3 Productive Outlets to Relieve Stress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxford Emory chapter.

It happens to us all: as the semester goes on, you find yourself in a relentless cycle of constant academics, almost to the point where you don’t know what life is like without a due date looming in the future. We’re just kids, and it’s important to take breaks for ourselves now and then. However, you can still take a break by doing something that’s productive yet outside of academics. Here are 3 outlets to consider when looking for a way to escape from schoolwork yet not waste time by lazing around:

  1. Volunteering: Luckily, there are plenty of volunteering opportunities at Oxford. Not only will you be taking a break from the rigorous curriculum, you’ll also be changing another person’s life by just spending a few hours at an organization or event. Volunteering is good for your heart and soul, and it is clear that everyone involved benefits from it. Whether it’s volunteering at an event on campus, going with a club to one of the shelters nearby, or going on a mission trip, there are plenty of ways to take a break from school but still help others and contribute to society.
  2. A creative hobby: Everybody feels good when they’ve finished something, right? Go out there and create! I’ve had classes where students listen to a lecture while knitting or working on song lyrics and chords. Art is beautiful, and it makes us feel good and whole. Making something is a brilliant way to chill out and relax while still being productive! Tarbutton has soundproof rooms if you like to sing or jam on piano, and the studio is an awesome place to work on your paintings or drawings and get into the zone. Personally, I like to collect coloring books and hang out in my dorm and color in them; super therapeutic. Rite Aid and Target have some pretty good ones, if you ask me! Get out there and exercise that creative muscle.
  3. Exercise: As cliché as this one sounds, it’s on here for a reason. Exercise is really important in so many aspects of life. Not only is it good for your body physically, it’s good for it mentally. Exercising requires your body as a whole to focus, consequently relieving you from stress in some aspect. When you find yourself blanking while writing an essay, go out for a walk around campus. There’s a beautiful trail through the woods, or even just a walk around the quad could completely refresh your mind. Lying in your bed and screaming into your pillow won’t help, so might as well get up, move around, and restart your brain. The fresh air and chirping of the birds will calm you down, and taking a deep breath will get you motivated!

It’s no secret that Oxford has a rigorous curriculum and that we all need breaks sometimes. That’s okay! Although you should never feel guilty for napping or just chilling out, having a productive yet relaxing outlet is something I highly recommend.

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Jordan Chapman

Oxford Emory

Jordan Chapman is a visual art and international studies major with a French minor at Emory University. As a second year student, she's incredibly busy, but when you add jetsetting and writing a blog (in addition to a Youtube channel), her life is more busy than you may think. When she isn't watching Stranger Things or writing blog posts, she's in class or sending emails, with the dream of being the next big editor or fashion blogger. As a future London expat and wanderlust victim, she visits the land across the pond quite frequently along with many other places in Europe frequently, just hoping that life will take her somewhere fun and exciting.