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Relax, Recharge, & Reflect: It’s Time For Yourself

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

I don’t know about you, but my social battery drains very easily. Yet, I give myself no time alone to relax, recharge, and reflect on life. It’s okay to hang out with friends, but you can’t forget about yourself, your needs, and your wants. Typically, Sundays are days for myself. Here’s my rundown of a typical Sunday that helps me feel at peace and gives me some time alone to relax, recharge, and reflect.

My Sunday Routine:

Sunday is the only day I don’t have class or work, so I tend to make the most of it to help me prepare for the week and reflect on what happened the previous week. Usually, I start my Sunday by going into town and getting an iced coffee and bacon, egg, and cheese on an everything bagel from Riverwalk Cafe. I was born and raised in Manhattan, so I’m used to the convenience of getting that iced coffee and breakfast sandwich whenever I want by simply walking to it. Here in Oswego, I can’t do that, not only because I don’t have the time but also because I don’t know how to drive or have a car. Starting off Sunday mornings like this makes me feel at peace and reminds me of home. I typically go down by the lake to eat my bagel and drink my coffee while I read; I’m currently reading November 9th by Colleen Hoover. Afterward, I’ll walk into town. Oswego is very limited regarding shops that are open on Sunday, so I just go to the bookstore and see if there are any new books. After this, I go back to my room and journal. I reflect on the week, write journal affirmations, and set goals for the new week. I also go on Brightspace and check every class to see if I have homework I could do. I also check to see what we’re doing during that week in class to prepare myself. Now, it’s me time. I’ll either watch some TikToks, watch the H3 Podcast, or watch Bob’s Burgers. Those three things make me very happy and help me relax. 

Overall, while it is fun to hang with your friends, it is also important to take time for yourself. Do what you need to do to feel like you’re the best version of yourself and be happy. It’s also okay to say no to people when you don’t feel like hanging out with them. Trust me, I know. I always get FOMO. when I choose to stay in and not hang, but it’s way better than my social battery being drained. Don’t forget to relax, recharge, and reflect. It’s time for yourself!

I'm Tiffany, a Marketing student at SUNY Oswego and one of our Her Campus at Oswego Campus Correspondent!