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The Power of Mindful Consumerism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.


We’ve all heard the expression, “you are what you eat,” but the truth in that statement runs deeper than the food we digest. In reality, we are what we consume on all levels. From our music taste to where we get our news, we are constantly being influenced by what we allow to be in our lives.


We have heard a million times before how the media can influence our beliefs about the world and ourselves, but those statements are often undermined. Young, impressionable girls have damaged their health to fit a standard of beauty forced upon them. Even violence in video games have been blamed for the increase in gun violence and television shows like SpongeBob SquarePants are said to render children’s critical thinking skills.


Sure, these are all extremes. But it is true that a lack of diversity in the beauty industry can negatively impact a girl’s self-esteem, violence in video games can at the least desensitize violence, and watching mindless television shows are not beneficial for a developing mind. I once had a friend in high school who said that she wanted to try coke because of how the movie Bachelorette comically depicted it.  


Adults are just as vulnerable to being negatively influenced by the media just like children. For instance, Facebook has become a news platform which is dangerous because a user’s feed changes based on their political beliefs. Citizens are vulnerable to receiving extremely biased news more than ever before. The Washington Journal has created two Facebook feeds that are updated hourly. One feed shows what a conservative user may see and the other shows what a liberal user may see. The difference is alarming and is worth checking out.


The list of examples of how the media influences people and who it is influencing is endless. The truth is, you cannot completely escape it in such a media driven world that is able to constantly brainwash us. What influences us becomes what we think which will in return become us. Tell me what your media and interests are and I will tell you who you are; it is just that simple.


The secret to not getting wrapped up in shallow or otherwise harmful media is to practice mindfulness. The beauty in the world we live in today is that there is a plethora of information out there waiting to be discovered. Your job is to decide what you indulge in. Maybe getting really into some amazing TED Talks, or watching movies and television shows you consider to be smart or somehow useful to you. Even listening to positive, upbeat music can make a difference. This isn’t to say give up on all the reality television you indulge in, but it is to say be mindful about it.


In this great country, we choose to vote on what we care about. Individuals like The Kardashians would have never became who they are without the interest of their fans. When you decide to become more involved and mindful in what you consume, you will not only make a positive change in your life, but also influence what the entertainment industry produces. Mindful consumerism has the power to educate, reform, and change lives.   


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Kat F


I'm known as kind of being a hippy who loves to meditate, do yoga, and listen to music. I'm always up for an adventure and am interested in living creatively, working for a bigger purpose, and continuing my adventures around the world!