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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

If you’ve read my article, Slaying September, you know that making goals for myself every month helps me stay on track and be productive. Here are my October goals!

Stay on top of my schoolwork

In September I sort of did this, but this month I want to be more consistent because consistency is key to success and healthier habits. I’ve set homework time on my Google Calendar for Mondays 6 pm-8 pm, Wednesdays 6 pm-8 pm, and during work Tuesdays nights and Thursday mornings I usually do some school work to pass the time by. 

Waking up early 

I am still not a morning person. In September I started to wake up earlier than I did before I set goals for myself, but I still struggle to wake up early and NOT take a three-hour nap. My wake-up time for this month is 8 am and to be in bed by 9:30 pm on school days. I find that staying up late and trying to wake up early doesn’t work for me, per usual. 

Gua sha

I bought a gua sha this summer in hopes of using it every day to help slim my jawline, but I don’t use it at all. My goal for this month is to use it every day and see how it’ll change my face. 

Gym time

I have this horrible habit of going to the gym consistently for like a week or so and then just stopping. This month I want to be consistent and continuously going. Since Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday are my least busy days, I decided I could wake up early and hit the gym and hopefully that’ll give me energy for the day and I won’t power nap. 

Going to more events on campus

This will not only benefit me by socializing and getting to know different organizations and people on campus, but it will also help me with my internship since I’m a digital storytelling intern for SUNY Oswego. I could capture content and showcase events we have on campus to encourage more people to show up and get outside their comfort zones.

Those are my main four goals for this month being that my main priority is school work, my internship/job, my health, and my mental health. Let’s see how consistent I’ll be!

I'm Tiffany, a Marketing student at SUNY Oswego and one of our Her Campus at Oswego Campus Correspondent!