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Why Taking Extra PAC Classes Was the Best Decision I’ve Ever Made

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

Ahhhhh yes, Senior Year. The year most students either take it easy since they’ve completed most of their requirements for graduation, or they are scrambling with as many credits as possible each term so that they don’t have to stay another year. Yikes.

Even though I don’t have tons of classes left to take before I graduate, I have somehow managed to overdo myself with extracurriculars, jobs, and my social calendar. Since most of my final classes are only offered next term and I had some credit space to fill up this winter, I decided to opt for some extra Physical Activity Courses to keep my homework (and stress) levels down. 

Don’t think you have time in your busy day to take a class “just for fun?” Think again! Here’s why taking Relaxation and Body Sculpting this term was the best decision I’ve made for 2016 thus far, and why it actually saves me more time than you’d think.

1. It gives me set times to workout and relax throughout the week.

Having such a packed schedule typically means I feel overwhelmed when trying to fit even the slightest thing in, like a quick workout (or a nap). Having a PAC class with assigned times means working out and taking some time for meditation is already written into my day, so it doesn’t feel like I’m trying to add anything extra!

Tip: You can totally schedule in things like a workout without having a special class for it, but by registering and paying for a PAC class you feel more obliged to actually go since you’re doing it for a grade — and you’re paying a little extra tuition money for it. 

2. It gives me the opportunity to try new things before I head out into the “real world.”

I’ve never been one to take advantage of the weight room when I go to the gym, but now that I’ve learned how to use a lot of the equipment in my body scuplting class I’m totally going to do it more often. There are so many interesting PAC classes offered here on campus, so there’s something new for everyone to try and get out of their comfort zones with!

3. It forces me to take advantage of the campus’ amazing facilities in ways I wouldn’t normally have thought of.

I always feel bad whenever I don’t make it to the rec center for a week because I feel like I’m wasting something I’m already paying for — which is true! So many amazing things are offered for us on campus that are already paid for by our student fees, so why not take advantage of them while we can?

4. It allows me to meet new people and form new connections.

Being in something like a group activity class can help you make new friends who share similar interests as you do, so it’s a great way to meet new people. And who knows — after the term ends you could have found yourself a new regular gym buddy to keep you in check all year long!

No matter how busy or hard your schedule might be next term, take some time for yourself by signing up for a fun new PAC class! It might just seem like another thing added to your schedule at first, but in the end it will definitely be worth it. Let us know which ones you’re most excited for next term in the comments below! 

Lara is a graduate of Oregon State University, with a degree in New Media Communications and minors in writing and Spanish. Currently, Lara resides in New York City and works in the Influencer Marketing space.