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Living in My First Apartment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

This past summer I recently moved out of the dorms and into my first apartment. After three years of living on campus, I am so excited to finally have a place of my own. However, there are some things I didn’t realize came along with the apartment life.


1. Cheap food

I never thought I would miss eating in the dining hall. I haven’t had to cook for so long and now I have to prepare all of my own food? AND buy it? I guess rice and beans it is.


2. Drinking NOT in the dorms.

I underestimated how great it is to be able to relax with a beer after work and not have to worry about being discreet.


3. Bugs.

Not unless you have a roommate or friend/babefriend to help you out, bugs are a struggle. The constant battle between wanting them gone but not wanting to go after them myself is forever a struggle. There are few sizeable spiders that are pretty much my roommates at this point because there is no way that I am going near them.


4. Dishes.

When you don’t have a dishwasher or a garbage disposal, dishes become the bane of your existence. If you come over to my apartment, just assume that the dishes won’t be done and you are going to have to drink water out of a coffee mug.


5. No quiet hours.

Late night dance parties are now the norm. You can find me flailing away in my pajamas to Fleetwood Mac once it hits 10:00pm and I won’t be quiet about it.


What was your first apartment like? Tell us in the comments below!

Katherine Borchers is a Junior at Oregon State University and is majoring in Digital Communication Arts. She is involved on campus with Res Life and So Worth Loving at Oregon State. You can find her procrastinating real life responsibilities, drinking coffee, and procrastinating some more. When she procrastinates, she loves to sing loudly (not well, either), read books, and do artsy-fartsy stuff.