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Stress at the End of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ole Miss chapter.

By: Marley Cruise

As finals approach, I’ve been feeling those end of semester jitters. Over the years, my ways of battling stress when related to classes has evolved from a rather frantic spree of studying all night and crying into a decent, if not good, attempt to manage my mental health.


  1. Go to bed. The idea of the sleep deprived college student pulling all-nighters and living off of red bull is a romanticized concept today, but if you have a test, I find that it’s better to just go to bed early and be awake for class than trying to stay up all night and be so tired that you can’t focus in class.

  2. Study for more than one class. I can’t focus on studying for one class for longer than a few hours at a time. If you can’t concentrate on what you’re trying to study, try switching to another class for a little while and then go back to it.

  3. Take breaks. It’s important to rest a little or you won’t retain anything that you are studying. Have dinner with friends, watch a movie, get some coffee, do your nails. Sometimes, you need to step away from school for a few hours and do things for yourself.

Photo Credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photograph-of-a-woman-in-a-coffee-shop-1002…

4. Ask for help. If you’re working on something and you just can’t understand it, you are allowed to ask your teacher for clarification. If you’re too nervous to approach your teacher, find a friend in your class who can help. Often, classes offer tutoring outside of class that you can attend.