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Why I’m Not Trying to Lose Weight Anymore

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? For a very long time, I didn’t. Even at my lowest average weight during my early teen years, I always felt like everyone else was so much skinnier than me, prettier than me, and better than me.

I would start a diet, work out tirelessly, and then give up after a few weeks when I didn’t see the immediate results that I wanted. I would repeat this same cycle of self-loathing again and again and again.

Until January 2017.

In January, I began a fast for religious and health reasons. I decided to cut out all of the things I over-indulge in on a daily basis, such as bread, dairy products and salty snacks. I also began to work out three times a week. As the weight began to fall off, I found myself looking at the scale and mirror less. But, what was the difference this time versus the other times?

I was finally getting healthy FOR ME. I wasn’t trying to lose weight to look like everyone else. I wanted to be healthier and happier overall. I wanted to take away the bad power that food had over my life and learn to reward myself for making the right decisions.

I was happier when I didn’t have a ridiculous diet, but instead a modified menu. I also didn’t go to the gym every single day for 2-3 hours. I simply went when I could and focused on my own path of success instead of the incredibly ripped people surrounding me.

Fasting taught me to appreciate the strength I did have and yearn for more in a healthy way.

I completed my fast a few weeks ago, but I am still working towards a healthier year. I will sometimes fall of the track and lose sight of what I want (and that’s okay). I no longer put my worth in the numbers on the scale and I couldn’t be happier.

If you ARE trying to lose weight or live a healthier lifestyle and cant seem to get the hang of it, I highly recommend:

            -Work out with a friend who will keep you consistent

            -Keep a journal of what you eat throughout the day

            -Track your calories burned and reward yourself for your accomplishments

            -Cut out the toxic foods/drinks/activities in your life

            -Make an agenda of achievable goals

            -Speak positivity over your life/your body image

Every person is different. What works for me, might not work for you.

Keep in mind that all journeys are different. Find a path that works for you and GO.