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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Just like every year when the weather starts to change, we can find ourselves doing the same, with cold and flu season around the corner making sure to keep up with your health is important.

Here are some of the best ways to sustain your immune system and prevent yourself from getting sick this upcoming season.

1. Drink plenty of water.

Water is a very important part of staying healthy. Refrain from alcohol and sugary drinks that could dehydrate you, and instead, try replacing them with tea or infused water for some added flavor.

2. Eat immune-boosting foods.

Healthy fats such as fish and avocado, probiotics, nuts, and seeds, along with fruits and vegetables are some of the best healthy nutrients to add to your diet that can boost your immune system.

3. Wash your hands, keep up with health.

The best way to prevent being sick is washing your hands and keeping up with your health. This includes check-ups and immunizations. COVID-19 and Flu shots are important especially this season in preventing the spread of viruses and can work to lessen the side effects if you were to get the virus yourself.

4. Move around

Getting up and moving around is important especially in the colder months as our systems are slowing down. Finding some fun fall activities or even going to the gym and getting active are great ways to not only improve your immune system but also boost your mood.

5. Clean your surroundings

Fall is a great time to reorganize and clean your surroundings, take out all the unnecessary items and start cleaning for cold and flu season. A clean home can leave you feeling happy and keep you healthy.

Senior majoring in Human Resources with a minor in Marketing at Oklahoma State.