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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

If you are a woman with a vagina and horomones, chances are you experience menstruation. There are a lot of taboos around periods, but the main ones seem to be surrounding how awful menstrating is. While periods certainly aren’t a walk in the park, as supporters of women in all walks of life, we at Her Campus want to suggest that perhaps there are more benefits to periods than there are negatives. Let’s lean into the positives, babes!

1. It’s Just The Beginning!

Contrary to popular belief, day one of your period is actually day one of your entire monthly cycle! This is the start of your body and it’s hormones resetting themselves. As your cycle starts again, your estrogen levels rise, releasing PMS symptoms from the last week of your previous cycle. During this first week you’re more likely to be retrospective and in a state letting go of things you no longer need in your life. 

2. Natural Cleansing 

Your period is basically one, big natural cleansing for your body. During this time your body releases bacteria from your reproductive system and excess iron. This is a way for the buildup in your body to release itself naturally and protects you from disease. Your body literally discharges the bad, excess stuff in your life! How neat is that? 

3. Overall Health

Although with modern contraceptives it can feel like a good choice to avoid your period, that can sometimes lead to danger. Your body has a natural need to react in this way and it only benefits you by allowing your body to take this course. As it happens, monthly menstruation helps maintain longterm bone health by avoiding osteoporosis, breast health, and heart health. 

4. Sexual Desire

As your new cycle starts your testosterone levels increase, which amplifies your libido and allows you to reach sexual peek much quicker! This is basically your body prepping you for ovulation! While you may want to avoid the latter half of that, there’s no reason why you can’t take advantage of your bodies natural response during this time!

There is so much more to our menstrual cycles than meet the eye, and so much more to celebrate about being a woman. 

sources: https://www.womentowomen.com/menstruation/reverse-the-curse-benefits-of-…


I like coffee, crochet, and stories. Feminism is my theme song, and Parks and Rec is my show of the year. Never stop laughing.