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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

When you’re a full-time college student, it can be hard to manage the chaos of academics, a social life, and making sure you’re staying healthy and taking care of yourself. Based on personal experience, I know it’s especially hard to find the time and motivation to exercise. However, this semester I discovered that working out in a group is so much more fun than working out alone, and my new favorite group workout is cycling. Here are three reasons why you should try a spin class:

Health Benefits

Cycling is the ultimate full body workout. You’ll get a great cardio workout while also strengthening your legs, arms and core. Spin classes have also been known to improve coordination, as many spin classes are rhythm based and require you to pedal to the beat of the music. 

Sense of Community

Not only is cycling great for your body, but it can also act as an opportunity to become social. Group workouts can help strengthen new or current friendships, and bring an overall sense of community into your daily routine. 

A great motivator

One of the things I love most about spin class is that it actually makes me excited to exercise. In addition, having a set commitment helps me work exercising into my schedule and holds me accountable. So if you have trouble finding the motivation to exercise, a group workout might be the perfect solution for you. 

Ladies, get your butt on a bike and start cycling!

Amelia is a writer for the Her Campus chapter at Ohio University. She is from Columbus, Ohio and is an Early Childhood Education Major. Along with Her Campus, Amelia is involved in Chaarg and KDPI's chapters at OU.