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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

It is no secret that online learning can be incredibly challenging. Especially with the current state of the world, it can be difficult to focus on schoolwork and still ensure you get out of the house each day. So, here are a few tips of what to do, and what not to do, to make online learning a little more manageable. 

DO set a reasonable time to end for the day–and stick to it

It is important not to allow your work to stick with you the entirety of the day. While it is no doubt that we are all very busy, it is imperative that we schedule specific times for our academic, personal, and professional sections of our lives. Personally, my goal is always to have all my homework done for the day before dinnertime, that way, I can relax at dinner and be free of any burdens for the rest of the night.

DON’T pressure yourself to look a certain way

If putting on a nice outfit and doing your hair and makeup is what makes you feel the best, then do that. If staying in your pajamas suits you the most, do that. But, don’t force yourself to adopt a routine that doesn’t work for you.

DO take time away from your screens

Even if it’s just for a lunch break or to put your laundry in the dryer, give yourself some time throughout the day to rest your eyes from the strain that the screens can cause.

DON’T do your work in bed

While it can be comfortable, it is important to not bring all of the stress of your work into your physical space of relaxation. Allow your bed to be a place you can go to for rest and breaks from your work, not where you spend your entire day. 

DO maintain your social interactions

While it is certainly not as ideal to be interacting with old friends and new classmates over a laptop screen, it is important that you still try to be social. Put in the same energy that you would if you were in person (or at least half!.) Also, stay connected with the new people you meet. Make group chats and form virtual study groups to create a sense of community amidst this chaos.

DON’T criticize yourself

You’re still learning this whole new process, as is everyone else. Online classes can be incredibly hard, especially when they’re all during a pandemic. This is not something any of us signed up for, so give yourself a break, celebrate your wins for the day.

Lauren Serge

Ohio U '23

Lauren Serge is currently a senior at Ohio University, majoring in Journalism and specializing in Marketing and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She is the current President and Co-Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus OU chapter. She enjoys writing, walking, spending time with her family, friends, and her dog, as well as catching up on her many favorite tv shows.
Caitlin Hunt

Ohio U '21

Caitlin Hunt is a fourth year journalism news and information student at the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism. On campus, Caitlin is involved with the Ohio Fellows, Cru, and is a Templeton Scholar. She has served as a TODAY Show intern and a NAJA fellow. In her free time, she takes in as much pop culture as she can! She is always watching tv shows and movies, listening to music and obsessing over the latest Broadway musical. Check out her monthly blog, Caitlin's Pop of Culture to see what she's watching!