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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

Interested in what life is like as a student at NYU Shanghai? This photo essay will provide a glimpse of what your incredible experience there might look like!

Most students’ days begin with a ride on the shuttle bus from their dorms to the Academic Building, or more casually known as the AB. Every Monday to Thursday, I take this 8:30AM bus from the Pusan Road dorm — thankfully, there are way less students in Pusan than in Jinqiao, the other dorm option, so I never have to worry about not getting a seat!

Like New York, many Shanghainese citizens commute to and from work and school.

This is the second floor cafe, a hotspot for students who want to grab a coffee, cram, or chill. While it’s quite empty in this photo, you will rarely ever see it like this during the week.

The view from the second floor cafe. The area around AB is full of carefully maintained plants, flowers, and trees. On a sunny day, they’re extra beautiful (although we’ve only had about two, so far).

After my usual breakfast at the cafe (a cup of cold brew and apple slices with peanut butter), I’ll head to my first class, Intermediate Chinese I. Many of the classrooms in the AB have this U-shaped seating style with the professor at the center.While the NYU Shanghai library is only a fraction of the size of Bobst, it’s just as full. Students spend time checking out the library’s collection, catching up on schoolwork, and utilizing the group rooms for group study.

While I don’t do this everyday, today I managed to squeeze in a thirty minute workout at the Pusan Road dorm’s gym. Although it’s small, it has all you need for a good sweat sesh.Many Pusan residents end their day in the lounge (or as my friends lovingly call it, “the living room”) eating dinner with friends and finishing their homework. In fact, I’m ending this photo essay sitting in one of the lounge booths!

Image Credits: Author’s Own

Jamie is a senior at New York University majoring in Media, Culture, and Communication. Born and raised in Queens, she has always felt a deep connection with New York and eventually ended up attending both high school and college in the city. Some of her favorite things to do when she's not writing up her next piece include playing with makeup, reading a good book (her 2019 reco is Haruki Murakami's 1Q84), and talking about astrology (shout-out to any fellow Scorpios). After graduation, she hopes to continue her career in both the beauty and public relations/influencer marketing industries.
Carly Mantay is currently studying Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU.