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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

       What makes for a better study break than releasing some endorphins? This past Sunday, Her Campus hosted a workout and nutrition class taught by professional motivational speaker and fitness consultant, Michele Gordon, also known as “Miss Motivational.” The event took place in the Reebok FitHub in Union Square and focused on allowing fitness to enhance your college life. As all college girls know, working out is hard to make time for, and it’s difficult to feel motivated to get to the gym with so much going on in school. Gordon’s class taught the girls how to fit a simple and quick workout into your schedule, even if it’s just in your dorm room for ten minutes!

       However, before we got into the fitness portion of the event, Gordon spoke to us about different ways to stay active and healthy while still living a normal college life, like how to use squats and crunches as a study tool to memorize terms, or how to stay hydrated and active the day after a late night out.

       Then we started the workout. Gordon taught us some quick workout routines that combine cardio and strength training with no weights or fancy equipment needed. In fact, the actual class was taught in the middle of the Reebok store—showing how easy it is to get an efficient workout in even on a cold winter day when it’s just too hard to leave the dorms and get to the gym. The workouts were fun and inspirational, as Gordon taught us motivational meanings behind each move. In only about a half hour, we were sweating off our stress, kicking off our worries and punching our anxieties away. Gordon also explained how each workout could actually enhance your performance and attitude throughout your life, whether that means stretching to release stress while studying or doing a plank exercise before an interview to be mindful of your posture and balance.

       As the music played and motivation was flowing, the time flew by and we ended the workout sweating and smiling! Working out can often feel like an annoyance or a chore, but Gordon’s spin on fitness completely opposes that mindset. The workouts she taught us were not only quick and convenient to do in the dorms, but they actually added a new exciting aspect to fitness, allowing exercise to help us succeed academically, socially and professionally in the future!

        If you missed out on this awesome event, check out Gordon’s eBook, Sweat for Success: The Fit Life Through College. Loaded with tips on how to use fitness to enhance your life and videos of the workouts, you will achieve your goals of being happier and healthier than you could have ever imagined. So, thanks Her Campus and Miss Motivational for a great event, inspiring college girls to see fitness as a boost instead of a burden!