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6 Types Of Guys To Watch Out For In College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.


When you meet a guy, sometimes it’s hard to see past his charm, wit, and starry eyes to realize he’s really just another tool trying to get in your pants. Don’t feel bad if you’ve fallen for it a couple of times; men have mastered the art of sweet-talking to get what they want. The best way to prevent yourself from being taken advantage of is to be aware of the types of d-bags running around campus and avoid them at all costs. 

Here are six common college dude types to watch out for:

1. The Overly-Friendly Senior

It’s kind of like high school all over again. The popular senior likes the cute freshman. In college, it’s the same narrative with a different scenario: he can legally drink, has an internship lined up after he graduates, and knows all the ins and outs of Manhattan. So knowing this information, and witnessing/experiencing the same phenomenon in high school, why would a go-getter like him go for a brand new frosh whose idea of a good drink is cheap vodka and coke? Sorry to burst bubbles, but it’s quite rare to find an older guy at this age who is sincerely interested in you and not your body. You fall for it because he picked you, and now you instantly feel more special and mature. Don’t play his games–you’re awesome without the creep. 

2. The Convert

This is the guy that is going to drop all of his bad habits and change just for you. He promises not to smoke weed every day anymore, talk to other girls, or experiment with all sorts of drugs because YOU changed his world (puke). Think of this kid kind of like a Landon from  A Walk To Remember. While that movie is extremely sweet (one of my personal faves), the chances of a guy actually changing his ways are slim. Don’t get me wrong–there are definitely those guys who turn it all around for the woman they love. Most likely, the guy will continue to live his life the way he did before you. And, for the love of all that is good, remember: Once a cheater, always a cheater. No ifs or buts. 

3. The Sweet & Sensitive Poet

He claims he’s different from every guy out there because he really respects women. He sits you down at a party and isolates you from the rest of your friends. He tells you he writes his own music and plays guitar. His favorite movie is Casa Blanca, and he was actually “quite touched” by the last scene in The Notebook. There’s something about him that is so freaking charming and you start to believe he is actually “quite different” from the other guys. Wow, this guy really gets me. Hint: it’s an act. He’s fake. The poet/tortured artist makes you believe he is different from every guy so that you can trust him and he won’t ever break your heart or toot it and boot it. This is when you blow the whistle and throw the b.s. flag. Anyone who comes off that sweet is 99 percent of the time just as bad as the guy who blatantly walks up to you asking, “Would you like us to assign you someone to butter your muffin?” (Mean Girls reference!)

4. The “I Hate Labels” Guy

 I really like you, Betty. You are everything I’ve ever wanted and more. You light up my world like nobody else and I think you are beautiful (One Direction, how original)….but I’m afraid of the boyfriend/girlfriend label and what it would do to us…so let’s just be friends with benefits. I mean I really like you and all, but I don’t want to commit to anything right now. So I think this would be best for us. Seriously? No, just no. Leave. Get up right now and leave; if you prefer something more dramatic, throw your drink on him, flip your hair, and exit stage right. You may think I am being a bit over-the-top, but you, as an independent woman, deserve WAY better than that. If you want a boyfriend, you deserve to have the label, the commitment, and the whole package. Being friends with benefits might sound like a grand idea, but it’ll only leave you hurt when you see him pulling the same move on a different girl right outside the library.

5. The Hardcore Partier

This is the guy you see at a party always seeking attention and handing drinks out to the ladies. He is taking two classes. Even though it’s midterm season, he still manages to go out every single night during the weekend. He hasn’t yet purchased a single textbook or notebook for this semester. When you go to visit him at his dorm it reeks of weed and the only things he has on his desk are a box of cereal, a bong, and his dirty laundry. Not only may you be turned off by his habits, but you should be cautious of the guy who doesn’t care about his grades. If he doesn’t care about his academics and future, what makes you think he’s going to genuinely care about you? You deserve someone who takes themselves seriously. He needs time to mature and figure his stuff out. Stay away until that happens. 

6.The One All Your Friends Hate

You can play the “they’re just jealous and don’t understand” card all you want, but your friends should always come first and YOU MUST LISTEN TO THEM. If they tell you something is off about that guy, trust them. This guy will try to turn you against your friends whether he explicitly says, “Your friends are harsh, I don’t get why they hate me,” or manages to take you away from valuable girl time. A guy who is truly interested in you cares about your overall well being. With that being said, what genuine guy really wants to isolate you from your friends? If you notice this guy dropping hints like, “Come over to watch a movie with me, your friends can wait,” it’s time to drop him. It’s not always the easiest because you are completely enamored by the new relationship and want to spend as much time as you can with him. You will come to regret it though when you turn away some of the most important people in your life: friends. 


Image Credit: Flickr

Want more from Kayla? Follow her on Twitter @ksk316

Kayla is an NYU senior majoring in journalism and history. She joined the Her Campus NYU (HCNYU) team in 2013 as a study abroad blogger and is now the site's Love and Relationships Editor. Along with being an editor for HCNYU, Kayla is a web editorial intern for Redbook magazine. She has contributed to and interned in the past with Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, Square Meal, Washington Square News, and Sumo Skinny. When Kayla isn't writing for HCNYU, she is working on her blog or drooling over her wall of Harry Styles pictures. Follow Kayla on Twitter: @ksk316 Read Kayla's blog: http://lovewriteeat.blogspot.com/
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