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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

In this next segment of Send Coffee, Please, Melina addresses what it is like to feel lonely in lockdown, and some tips which might help.


I think it is safe to say that, at some point during this turbulent year, everyone has found themselves sitting in their room, alone, feeling rather isolated from the outside world. I, for one, have definitely felt like this and, as someone who thrives off of being social, I have myself been feeling dejected often in lockdown.


For the first lockdown, I was in my family home with my parents and sister. For this one, I am in my student house with four friends as we try to stay positive and plough through our hours of uni work. Living with my friends has definitely been social and, on some levels, has made another lockdown more bearable. Yet, even when surrounded by them in a small house, sometimes I cannot escape the feeling of extreme loneliness. Spending so much time together means that if I miss out on one thing, it is easy to feel left out. Likewise, sometimes being around each other all the time can be exhausting. We’ve swapped out Saturday nights in Rock City with hundreds of strangers for a party with just the five of us in the house, and it is easy to miss our first year of uni.


It is important, I have found, to plan fun things to make being stuck inside more bearable. For instance, throughout the day, we plan walks to get coffee and meals to cook and activities for the evenings so that we always have something to get excited about. Even if it is just popping a pizza in the oven and watching Gavin and Stacey!


In this lockdown, we have also tried to keep meeting one person outside, going for walks with a friend to make sure we do see other people and not just our housemates all day! Getting out of the house and doing so with people has definitely helped me when I am feeling lonely. On days when this has not been possible, a FaceTime with family or friends is sure to cheer me up.


Indeed, it is imperative in these times that we are communicating and keeping in contact with people, but it can also be important to be aware of when you need some ‘me time’. There are days when you may not have the energy to uphold conversations with multiple people or when you feel disengaged when with others. It’s okay to take yourself away and be alone for a while. I find that there are times when being by myself has allowed me to recharge and return as a positive addition to the group. Also, coffee always helps so Send Coffee, Please!


If you’re feeling lonely, there are lots of places to turn. Speak to your housemates, call a friend, call your family, or there are options at the university. For instance, Nottingham Nightline is open from 7pm-8am every night, and volunteers are there to talk to if you would like someone to speak to about how you are feeling. We all find ourselves feeling lonely in the current climate, but there are people around you who can help! 


Nottingham Nightline: 0115 9514 985 


Melina Williams

Nottingham '22

Blogger for Nottingham 20/21 Second year English student Loves coffee, reading and marmite toast!