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Wellness > Mental Health

The Power of a Clean Feed: 7 Inspiring Instagram Accounts to Follow

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

It’s no secret that our generation is constantly encapsulated in the “social media bubble”. Whether it’s as soon as we wake up, during class, while waiting in line or before bed, we are continually taking in the content on our feed. Although this may seem innocent in itself, what we consume has major effects on our mental state. 

If we’re always comparing ourselves to the unrealistic portrayals of life on Instagram, we may begin to think that we’re somehow lesser than or not good enough in comparison to these people. We often forget that Instagram and other social media platforms are solely highlight reels and typically neglect to portray common (and very normal) life struggles. 

This is why cleaning up your feed and deciding who to follow can have immense positive effects on your mental health. This not only includes unfollowing people you often compare yourself to but also following accounts that enlighten and encourage you to be your best self. 

Here are some of my favorite accounts that have helped turn my Instagram feed into a daily source of positivity: 



This account focuses on posting emotional checks to help you think about how you really feel. These introspective messages are typically posted on public buildings or common sights one would notice within their everyday life, sending the reminder to use these everyday moments to check in with yourself. 



This account does exactly what it markets: it breaks taboos. Each of its posts is raw and vulnerable, but they always hit on things that you may be thinking but are too afraid to say out loud. Seeing these taboo thoughts on a public platform is a major positive resource as there is a certain comfort is seeing others share similar struggles and emotions. 



The Blurt Foundation is a nonprofit organization aiming to help those affected by depression and other mental illnesses by increasing awareness, understanding and empathy. Their posts reflect this goal by posting simple cognitive reminders that everyone can benefit from. I always have a little more positivity and peace of mind after seeing their posts on my feed. 



Self-care is incredibly important for overall mental health and wellness, and this account does an excellent job at promoting the power of self-care and self-love. They share very helpful self-care tips, routines and general healthy living inspiration. I am always inspired to sit down, breathe, meditate, put on a face mask and just give myself a little love and care after viewing their content. 



Alex Elle is an author who shares her personal journals, quality quotes and thought provoking ideas. Her short reflections on taking care of yourself, staying positive and general life advice truly hit deep and always ease a racing mind. 



Project You Are OK works to tell the stories of those who have experienced mental health struggles. They share simple and gentle reminders to help overcome overwhelming thoughts. Through their posts, Project You Are OK is making incredible progress in ending the stigma around mental health. Give them a follow; you will not be disappointed.  


While the account name sounds a little misleading, Sad Girls Club is an incredible nonprofit organization that strives to create a community within the mental health world and to ignite conversations to help overcome such pressing mental health problems our generation faces today. This post, in particular, is a prime example of their work, which perfectly sums up the power of a “clean feed”.

Why follow anyone on social media, or in real life for that matter, who doesn’t empower, inform or inspire you? What you consume, both in real life and on social media, has major implications on your thoughts and ultimately how you live your life. By cleaning up your feed, and in turn consume, you will be astonished by the flood of positivity and empowerment. 

Cristina Ribera

Notre Dame '21

My name is Cristina Ribera and I am a rising junior at Notre Dame. I am originally from San Francisco, but on campus I live in Welsh Family Hall. I am majoring in American Studies and double minoring in Data Science and Innovation & Entrepreneurship. Writing is a passion of mine, so I am very excited to be writing for Her Campus. I have a blog in which I write about mental health, particularly in college, and I have written for Scholastic Magazine about mental health on campus, among other topics. I can’t wait to delve into more exciting topics and share them with such an incredible community!