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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Let me guess. It’s already a couple of weeks into 2015, and you are shockingly similar to the person who vowed to be different on December 31st. In fact, you are seemingly even more that person than ever before. The post-holiday celebrations and the mountains of leftover cookies have left you sluggish and corpulent, and you’ve probably begun to whine that it’s too late. Maybe you’ll try again next year.

But surprise, it isn’t too late! There are tons of anti-resolution Facebook users who have enlightened us to the fact that “you don’t need a new year to change your life.” While these kill-joys are theoretically correct, there’s nothing like a good old-fashioned New Years Resolution to motivate people to achieve their goals.

According to a study done by the University of Scranton, people in their twenties are more likely to complete their resolutions than our middle-aged counterparts. Parents will say this is because we are “living the best years of our lives” and “have no real responsibilities yet.” However, I believe it’s because we are still bright-eyed and enthusiastic and have yet to be jaded by life. It’s because of this we can be part of the 46% of people who make it past the first six months.

For those who are now motivated to change but with little direction, here are some suggestions, most of which I have undertaken myself:

1. Lose the sophomore 25 (if it bothers you)

Honestly, the freshman 15 is a myth and a dumb one. When you’re a freshman, your metabolism is still burning off the fumes of your high-school athletic days. Also, most freshmen don’t yet have a tolerance that will allow for staggering amounts of alcohol calories. The real weight gain, in my experience, happens towards the winter of your sophomore year after you’ve been lulled into a false sense of security.

However, once you cut back on your alcohol consumption (tequila is actually the least caloric of the hard liquors) and start regularly hitting a gym (three times a week at Rolf’s, and don’t just sleepwalk on the elliptical), those pounds should drop right off. But if you like your newfound curves and think that your current lifestyle suits you fine, that’s great. Way to practice radical self love.

2. Branch out of your dorm

While some people like to boast that our system is much improved from “Greek life,” being in an ND dorm is sort of like having your own sorority or fraternity. This has countless benefits, but it also tends to cloister people into friend groups that are set during the first few months of freshman year.

Take a chance and try hanging out with a “day friend” – you know, that one kid you see four times a day in DeBart and make pleasant small talk to but never actually acknowledge outside of an academic building. Remember that there are 8,452 undergraduates here and at least 75% of them are friendly. Your dorm friends will still be there, eating your food and whining about the rector, as soon as you get home.

3. Try and be the “responsible” friend sometimes

Chances are, you may already be that friend. For those of you who are “that girl” (and that girl is often me), it means that you should be the one to be the voice of reason for once, not the one that makes the rash decisions. This means that you are not the roommate who “forgets” to take out the trash until the pile threatens to avalanche and kill you. This also means that you are the one who remembers to promptly pay people back for cabs for once. You must also have your room key and cell phone on you at all times. This will help you maintain meaningful relationships, develop a newfound peace of mind, and have all the answers when people ask, “What happened last night?”

4. Try to take yourself less seriously

College is a very serious place. This is why our graduate students always look like they’ve just received their draft notice. However, life should still be fun during undergrad. So dress up for the themed dorm parties, and then wear that all-denim outfit to every other party that night. Don’t give yourself an ulcer worrying about internship applications or job interviews. Ask that cute guy out to coffee (because how many times do people have to ask whether or not it’s weird on Yik Yak). Life is too short to waste any more time wondering if people are going to judge you. They are going to judge you, no matter what. You just have to work it.

Regardless if you decide to change one thing, everything, or nothing at all, good luck and have a memorable 2015!


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Kelsey Collett is a junior at the University of Notre Dame, majoring in Marketing and English with a concentration in Creative Writing. Aside from being a writer for HCND, she is a distance runner, an avid reader and a caffeine addict. Her strengths are writing about books, pulling all-nighters, and sarcastic comments. If you like what you read, feel free to follow her on twitter at @kelsey_collett!