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10 Things to Get Excited for This Spring!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

The past couple of days have been 40 degrees and sunny here in lovely South Bend…and you know what that means – bust out the sunglasses and shorts, folks. It’s spring!

Well… No, it’s not. In a mere 36 hours or so, we’ll be back to below freezing temps and more snow. YAY. All of this sunshine has been such a tease, especially for all of us with undiagnosed Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder.

These balmy temps and the blistering sunshine really have me feeling some type of way. Today, I practically dressed like it was spring, and even unearthed my hot pink Juicy aviators that have been hibernating in my desk drawer for much too long (luv u, bby). After a long, cold, snowy, dreary, cold, miserable, cold (did I say that already?) winter, nothing gets the heart pumping like signs of spring on the horizon!  In honor of my premature excitement for the change of seasons (I totally heard birds chirping so it’s official, right??), I felt inspired to write about the 10 (mostly clothes related things) I’m most excited about this spring that you should be excited for too!


And warmth. And green grass. No explanation needed.

A scarily accurate representation of my behavior

2.  Starbucks Venti Light Ice Caramel Iced Coffee

All winter I’ve been all about dem skinny vanilla lattes, but I’m so over it and ready to get back to my one true love: caramel iced coffee. If you’ve never had it, your life is meaningless (#dramatic). Iced drinks are so much better overall, but it’s too cold in the winter. And who doesn’t love those green straws?


3.  Dresses and Skirts

If you know me, you know that I love me some dresses. I have a few sundresses that have been beckoning me from my closet to be worn again. The time is drawing nearer, be patient, my pretties. I also have a pretty extensive skirt collection, and I literally cannot wait to twirl around and be fabulous in them.  More than just on a daily basis, I have some super cute going out dresses that I love—and can we talk about how nice it’s going to be to be able to go out in something actually cute without the imminent threat of hypothermia?!?

4.  My starfish hairclip

I normally don’t discriminate my hair accessories based on season, but a starfish in my hair during a blizzard hardly seemed appropriate. I found it on Etsy last year, and I’m obsessed. There are a million on there, so I definitely recommend investing in one. It’s a slightly less conventional alternative the standard hair bow/flower and just as cute. It is a real starfish though, so it breaks easily—especially during travel. Let me tell ya, there’s nothing worse than opening your luggage and seeing a poor little amputee lying in there (please don’t take that sentence out of context).

Casual mirror selfie

5.  Leather jacket

I just got a leather jacket in November, so I haven’t really had a chance to wear it yet.  Once it’s warm enough to not have to bundle up like an eskimo, it leaves an open market for all kinds of fun jackets, like a leather one. It can be worn over a sundress, with jeans, with a statement necklace, to a party, to class…ooh the possibilities!

6.  Sperry Wedges

Wedges are great. Sperrys are great. Sperry wedges? Too much. They’re perfect because they’re not quite as much of a commitment as a real wedge, but they’re a step up from the average pair of Sperrys—kind of like a tuxedo t-shirt: they say, ‘I’m formal, but I wanna party.’ Plus they’re purple.

I’m actually a foot model, it’s fine.

7.  Sunglasses

As I mentioned before, my hot pink Juicy aviators have not seen the light of day in much too long. Sunglasses are both cute and functional. I’m not just talking about the UV protection, they provide the perfect lens (get it? lol puns) to creep on cute boys discreetly (see number 10).

I didn’t take this picture, I wish I did though.

8.  Pink blazer

I own a pink blazer and I adore it. Blazers can be totally cute for class if dressed down a tad (aka not worn with a pencil skirt). A blazer with a pair of capris or over a sundress is such a cute and simple way to look nice for class.

Literally obsessed.

9.  Not having to wear a huge coat, scarf, hat, gloves, boots, long underwear, a sweatshirt, 14 pairs of socks, a snowsuit, a face mask and probably another sweatshirt every day.

This kind of piggybacks off of number one, but not having to suit up to walk from NDH to Lafun is a lot to celebrate. There are two main reasons why this is great: 1. You don’t have to wear them. That’s reason enough in itself, n’est-ce pas? 2. Since you see 90% of people while traversing the campus in between classes, you don’t have to cover up whatever cute outfit you’re wearing.  Therefore, the entire world (of ND) can see how cute you look, and not just the people in your classes. *hair flip*

10.  North Quad Sports

No, I do not participate (What are sports? What is running? I’ve never done these things). What I’m talking about is that glorious day when it is sunny and approximately 60 degrees and all the men of North Quad decide it’s a perfect time to hit the quad and throw a football around…wait for it…while shirtless. *gasp* This is the perfect time to sit strategically placed on the grass, while “doing homework” and wearing sunglasses (see number 7).

If ya know what I mean

Of course there are a million more reasons to be completely pumped for spring, but these are my top 10! Everyone please go to the Grotto and light a candle to pray that spring at least stops in for an appearance or two in the near future (tomorrow too soon?), and doesn’t wait until finals week to show up to the party like last year.


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Photos 1, 2, 3, 4 (provided by author), 5 (provided by author), 6, 7, 8

Alison is a sophomore Finance major at the University of Notre Dame. Her activities include working as a barista at Starbucks, dancing on the ND Dance Company and spending too much time trying to pick out clothes. Her goal in life is to be Audrey Hepburn, but if that doesn't work out, working for a designer like Lilly Pulitzer, Juicy, Chanel, or Tiffany (Breakfast at Tiffany's?) would be the ideal dream job. You can catch more of her golden wit (and senseless ramblings) on twitter @AlisonJanet124