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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

When the Super Bowl comes around, some people think about football and others think about the halftime show. I, on the other hand, watched for one reason and one reason only: the commercials. I am technically a Patriots fan, and yes, I am happy they won, but let’s talk about the fiercer competition that is the competition to be “that” Super Bowl commercial everyone is still talking about the next day. Even a few days later, there were a few that won the race. I’m no expert, but I am an avid supporter of consumer culture, and I definitely have an opinion.

Just to clarify, this is just the opinion of a college girl who likes to online shop; experts may have something else to say. But still, if you’re like me and you would rather root for your favorite brand to have a great commercial than to root for one of the football teams, then look no further.  


Bumble truly outdid themselves. With Serena Williams as their sponsor, this inspiring commercial literally gave me the chills. Dating apps are no longer just for meaningless hookups and unsolicited pictures, they promote feminism. Their “Ball in Her Court” campaign is sure to make a lasting impact on their company.

Washington Post

I am not sure if it is because I am an aspiring journalist or because it was one of the most emotional commercials of all time, but I definitely teared up after this commercial. The Washington Post made a tribute to fallen journalists and highlights the times when journalists have put their lives on the line to uncover the truth, and it was fantastically done.

Stella Artois

On a less serious note, Stella Artois played to the nostalgic side in all of us and used Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City and ‘The Dude’ from The Big Lebowski to grab our attention. I’m a sucker for Sex and the City, and I’ve always aspired to live like Carrie Bradshaw, so I just had to throw this in there as one of my favorites.  

Michelob ULTRA

ASMR is the internet’s hottest trend, and I have to applaud Michelob ULTRA for capitalizing on this trend and making an entire commercial out of it. And having Zoë Kravitz, a successful actress and Instagram icon, as their spokesperson only helped. The aesthetic of the whole commercial was inspiring. Stay clever, Michelob ULTRA.

Burger King

As weird it was, I have to say that this commercial definitely kept my interest. The confusion of the whole thing was actually its drawing point, and people were definitely talking about it. I just have to ask, if he was going to dip his burger in ketchup, why did he take the bun off at all?

There are so many other commercials that caught everyone’s eye, like Microsoft and Amazon, but these are just a few of my favorites. Until Super Bowl LIIII, beloved commercial race.