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The Year of The Woman, and the Women of the Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NMSU chapter.

The Year of The Woman, and the Women of the Year

This year was the year of the woman! 2017 has been one of the most forward years for women since we established our right to vote. Gender equality is widely spoken for, and more people than ever are beginning to respect and see women as powerful forces in society and in the home life. I am proud to be from a generation that puts so much emphasis on being and recognizing great women. We are powerhouses, forces to be reckoned with, strong and beautiful creatures. Women are taking over. This year saw amazing things for women all over the world. Kim Kardashian graced the cover of Forbes Magazine, marrying a child bride was outlawed in India, sexual assault has become one of the main issues that is being tackled in the work force, Middle Eastern countries are allowing women to now drive cars, and the first ever Women’s March took to celebrate and advocate for women’s rights . It’s truly inspiring to think of all the women who have come together or even made impacts in today’s world on their own. This year even marked the first year in history EVER that a female ran for president.

We can thank today’s influential women for leading the way and showing us what it means to be a strong woman. I have compiled my own list of women that I think have proved to be the most influential.

Number one on the list, Hillary Clinton. Clinton has fought her way through politics ever since she was in college. She has always been a prestigious woman and very accomplished from a young age. She was a young female lawyer turned first lady, and despite being humiliated in front of the entire nation due to her husband’s sex scandal, she followed a torturous path that led her to running for the President of the United States. Despite your political views it is hard to deny that this is extremely impressive. She was made fun of, underestimated, and laughed at by the majority of men around the nation and still stood her ground and serves as an inspiration to all of us women and made history while doing it. She proved that women can truly do anything men can do.

Next up: Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Argentina’s first female president. She started off working for her husband who was an elected president some years back. She is now working to improve the nation’s economy and despite being heavily scrutinized for all she has done thus far she continues to make changes to improve the condition of the nation. She stands as an idol for many woman who thought the more traditional country of Argentina would never see a female in office.

Number three would be the Kurdish women who worked to defeat ISIS. These women banded together in Raqqa to defeat one of the largest terrorist groups we have ever seen. These brave women fought against men who were said to be much meaner and stronger. They did so to liberate women in Raqqa that were being oppressed by the terrorist group.

There are many other influential women in the world doing great things. We see more women in power now than we have ever seen. This includes other nations other than the United States. Female president are taking over, female CEO’s are making more money, and women are finally being heard. We can look to idols such as Oprah Winfrey, who was named as one of Forbes’ most influential women, who despite her past built a media empire, we can look to Kim Kardashian, who uses her celebrity status to bring awareness to important controversial issues. We can look to Queen Elizabeth, who has run a country and stood as a symbol of the British Monarchy and been noted as a powerful female ruler since her father’s death over 60 years ago. The Female bosses are all around and women truly have no limits anymore.