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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New Paltz chapter.

1) Listen to some music.

My favorite thing to do when I feel overwhelmed with all my responsibilities is to just take a few minutes, put on my favorite playlist, and close my eyes. I drown out my thoughts and just let it all go. This really gives me a better perspective and helps to give myself some “me” time before I have to buckle down and get my work done. [Pro-tip: Listen to the Autumn Coffeehouse playlist on Spotify!]



2) Clean up around your room.

This really helps me to feel more on top of things. I simply organize my belongings, and feel like having that clear space makes it easier to focus. Even something as simple as taking out your garbage or wiping down your desk can give you a new mindset.


3) Take a walk.

Seriously.  No music, no games, nothing. Just leave everything and take a walk around campus. Behind Esopus there is a path around the Gunk that I love to walk and explore. Clear your head and just bask in the beauty of nature and the life around you.

4) Treat yourself.

I know it is backwards logic to give yourself a reward before you do what you need to, but sometimes it helps. Go to Starbucks and get a hot chocolate or coffee. Remind yourself that you deserve good things, and that this too shall pass. It may feel hopeless right now, and the only thing you can focus on is the cause of your stress, but having a little treat might be exactly what you need to delve right into your next project.


5) Just breathe.

Close your eyes, and take deep breaths. I know it is easier said than done, but it truly helps just to take a minute and remind yourself of good things. Think about your goals, and your family. Anything that makes you happy. Don’t dwell on the responsibilities for a few seconds. They can wait.


If all else fails, go to bed!

If you still have work to do, set your alarm for earlier in the morning and do it before class. At the end of the day, grades don’t matter as much as your well-being, and you have to take care of yourself above all else. When the world becomes too much and you feel your control slipping, remember that tomorrow is a new day.

Shyana is a freshman majoring in Journalism at SUNY New Paltz. Along with HerCampus, she is also active in Relay for Life and the Honors Program. She has an unhealthy obsession with a lot of things, including Netflix, HGTV, anything Disney, Pumpkin Spice, and country music. Her dream is to become a successful magazine writer in either fashion or lifestyle, where she is able to live by the ocean and be close to her family.