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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Even though the semester is far from over, I can’t help but find myself thinking about summer! Sun’s out until 9pm, seeing old friends, going to the beach – the possibilities are endless. But while I’m going to enjoy my time off from school this summer, it’s looking a little different than years before. Jobs, internships, summer classes – college summers are filled with new experiences and new opportunities. So this summer I want to challenge myself more, and while I want to enjoy my time, I also want to hold myself accountable and become a healthier, more disciplined version of myself. So these are some habits and hobbies I’m picking up this summer:

  1. Get outside.

Summer weather is the perfect time to get some outside time. The sun is important for the body and the mind, so I’m trying to get more of it (away from the beach 😂 ), even if it’s only 10 minutes. 

  1. Drink more water.

This is just a constant thing for me, but it’s never bad to hold myself accountable. Water is super important for the body and keeping everything else in check, so why not start with a simple healthy habit like this?

  1. Move everyday.

Whether it’s earlier in the morning or before the sun sets, hot girl walks are in again this summer! Finding new activities that thrill me and get me moving are great for me! Getting outside and to the gym is a perfect way to spice up each and every day.

  1. Cook at home more.

Finding and trying new recipes? Sign me up! Not only is it cheaper than eating out, it is also healthier, and I want to focus on what food I’m putting in my body this summer. I’ve found TikTok, NYT Cooking, Lemon8 all have great resources to find plenty of good recipes.

  1. Read, read, read!

Earlier this semester, I wrote about my book goal for this year. Hopefully, if I spend more time daily setting aside time to read, that should be easy-peasy. 

So do yourself a favor this summer, and set some summer goals! Getting a summer break isn’t going to happen every year, so I’m making the most of the couple I have left. Happy planning!

North Carolina State University – class of 2026 Applied Mathematics Major